When the revised date of birth (DOB) determination is favorable to the beneficiary,
it will be effective the month we receive the new evidence. If unfavorable, do not make a revision in the DOB (unless fraud or similar fault exists). Explain to the
beneficiary that correcting the DOB would have negative consequences (less monthly
benefit, overpayment, etc.). Explain that this established DOB will not be changed
and the beneficiary should use this date when contacting SSA and other government
agencies and intermediaries (Medicare, Health care providers, etc.).
Careful consideration should be given to determine if the revised date of birth would
be truly favorable. Some things to consider are the new eligibility year or the year
the claimant attains age 62 and the new number of reduction factors based on the new
date of birth as well as Medicare entitlement, especially if there are outstanding
medical bills (see HI 00805.150 – HI 00805.170 and SM 00850.515). The month of entitlement (MOET) should not change when computing
the new benefit amount. This policy applies only to Master Beneficiary Records (MBR).
Numident (NUMI) records with incorrect dates of birth can be corrected at anytime
provided the correct proofs are provided.
If the DOB change is neither favorable nor unfavorable (i.e., day of birth change,)
to the claimant, correct the DOB on the record.
For additional information on changing the date of birth on the NUMI, follow RM 10212.200 – Changing Numident Data-Other than Name Change. In most instances, an SS-5 will
need to be processed in order to correct the date of birth shown on the beneficiary’s
Numident record.