The benefits of a student who graduates (receives a diploma or equivalent certificate)
from a secondary level course before age 19 terminate the month after the last month
of full-time attendance (FTA). For an example, see RS 00205.325F.1. in this section.
The benefits of a student who graduates from a secondary level course before age 19,
but who continues to take elementary or secondary level courses in FTA, terminate
the earlier of:
the month of attainment of age 19; or
the first month in which they are no longer in FTA.
For examples, see RS 00205.325F.2. and RS 00205.325F.3. in this section.
If a student attains age 19 during a period of nonattendance, benefits terminate the
month the student attains age 19. For an example, see RS 00205.325F.4. in this section.
If a student attains age 19 in a month in which they are in FTA and have not completed
the requirements for, or have not received, a diploma or equivalent certificate from
a secondary school, the student is deemed not to have attained age 19. If the student
is deemed not to have attained age 19, the date the student's entitlement ends depends
on whether:
The school operates on a yearly basis; or
The school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and requires reenrollment.
For policy instructions, see RS 00205.325C, RS 00205.325D, and RS 00205.325E in this section. For examples, see RS 00205.325F.5. - RS 00205.325F.8.
NOTE: The school official certifies the school’s operating basis on page 3 of the SSA-1372-BK.
Accept the school official's statement as to how the school operates.
Consider a student's graduation ceremony an integral part of their school attendance
even though the student may not be scheduled for at least 20 hours of weekly attendance
for the month of graduation. Consider a student who attends their graduation ceremony
the month after the month in which 20 hours of weekly attendance ends to be in FTA
for the month of graduation, even if the ceremony occurs in or after the month of
age 19 attainment, subject to the limits of the school's operating basis. For examples,
see RS 00205.310D and RS 00205.325F.9. - RS 00205.325F.12. in this section.
For an example about how to treat students who attain age 19 in the first month of
the school year, see RS 00205.325F.13. For an example about how to treat students who attain age 19 in the last month of
the school year, see the example in RS 00205.325F.14.