Oscar Dyer, DOB 08/16/31, filed for DIB in 1983 and an onset date of 03/ 01 /83 was
established. They were deemed to be age 62 in 03/83, the first month of the waiting
period. Earnings for 1984 and 1985 could not be used in a DIB freeze computation because
they are deemed to be age 65 as of 03/01/86. Earnings for 1986 were used to increase
the PIA effective 01/87.
Oscar Dyer's DIB terminated in 10/87. They reapplied for DIB in 11/89 and a new onset
date of 11/4/89 was established. For the new DIB entitlement, the deemed age 62 month
is 12/89. For the freeze computation, the periods 03 /01/83 through 10/31/87 and 11/04/89
through 11/30/92 must be excluded. Earnings for 1986 used in the previous DIB computation
may be used only if all periods of disability are ignored.