When evaluating for SGA, consider the following factors:
Did the earnings represent the person’s own productivity?
How many hours did the person work, and what was their rate of pay?
Was employer subsidy, or impairment-related work expenses involved?
Was there a special employment situation such as government-sponsored programs, foreign
work, or sheltered employment?
Was the person in the military?
Did the person receive pay for non-work (sick and vacation pay, holiday pay, or any
bonuses, etc.)?
Did the countable earnings exceed the SGA threshold?
See Also:
DI 10505.010 Determining Countable Earnings
DI 10520.001 Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE)
DI 10505.025 Special Employment Situations
DI 10505.023 Military Service
DI 10505.010C Policy — sick and vacation pay
DI 10501.015 Tables of SGA Earnings Guidelines and Effective Dates Based on Year of Work Activity