Evaluate the evidence using the adult sequential evaluation process when you have
sufficient evidence to make the determination. Use the appropriate adult evaluation
If the claimant is disabled under the adult rules, establish the onset date for disability
as of the attainment of age 18 (or at a later date, if appropriate)
Do not input the determination until the claimant has attained age 18. If the claimant
has not attained age 18, put the case in medical deferment status with code "IO" as
the Reason for Deferment. For the instructions on medical deferment, see SM 06001.202
and SM 06001.220B.
REMINDER: If you establish an onset date before the attainment of age 18, the file must include
the appropriate child evaluation forms. For claims with both a child and adult determination,
see DI 25230.001.