DI 26010.000 Completion of Form SSA-831-U5 in Blindness Cases

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 26010.001 Overview of Disability Determination Services (DDS) Completion of Form SSA-831 in Blindness Cases Only TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.010 Completing Item 8 (Type of Claim (Title XVI)) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.015 Completing Item 15 (Claimant Disabled) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.020 Completing Items 16A (Primary Diagnosis) and 16B (Secondary Diagnosis) on the SSA-831 for Title II and Title XVI Blindness Cases TN 6 04-19
DI 26010.025 Completing Item 18 (Case of Blindness as Defined in SEC. 1614(a)(2)/(21 6)(i)) on the SSA-831 TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.030 Completing Item 19 (Claimant Not Disabled) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.035 Completing Item 21 (VR Action) on the SSA-831 for Title II and Title XVI Cases TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.040 Completing Item 22 (Reg. Basis Code) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.045 Completing Item 23 (Medical Listing No.) on the SSA-831 for Title II and Title XVI TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.055 Completing Item 27 (Rationale) on the SSA-831 for Blindness Cases TN 8 07-24
DI 26010.060 Completing Item 28 on the SSA-831 TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.065 Item 34 (Remarks) on the SSA-831 TN 2 10-08
DI 26010.070 Title II — Under-Age–55 Disabled Widow(er)’s Benefits (DWB) and Childhood Disability Benefits (CDB) Cases Involving Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) in Blindness Cases TN 2 10-08

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