A WU Group II exception does not require a finding that an individual has medically
improved or can engage in SGA.
If the DDS receives returned or undeliverable mail and they are unable to reach the
individual by telephone, the DDS will:
Document on an SSA-5002 or a Case Note in DCPS and "write to the" case worksheet (CDW),
the attempts to locate the individual, including whether the DDS received any returned
or undeliverable correspondence to the individual and if they were unable to reach
them by telephone. Also, state whether there is enough evidence in file to make a
continuance; and
Clear the case as a "No Determination (ND)".
Forward the documented case to the FO for development action and cessation (Title
II) determination or suspense (Title XVI) action based on WU.
For WU Title II cases, the FO will issue a non-medical cessation determination, i.e.,
a technical cessation of benefits.
For WU Title XVI cases, the FO suspends benefits.
NOTE: If the FO locates the individual, the case will be returned to the DDS for processing.