TN 4 (07-24)

DI 55002.045 Inputting A Correction or Update

A. Procedure – correct/update MBR/SSR/DCF coding

FOs and PCs should take the following actions when a beneficiary/recipient wants a ticket and was not selected to receive one because information on the MBR, SSR, or DCF is incorrect or needs updating.

1. Step 1 – input the coding change(s)

Input the necessary coding change, and take any other necessary actions, to update the MBR/SSR/DCF.

2. Step 2 – wait two work days and get a ticket query

Wait two workdays after inputting the coding change and get a “Ticket to Work Query” (DI 55002.025B) or a “General Ticket Query” (DI 55002.025C) to determine if the processed action has resulted in the system selecting the beneficiary's/recipient's record for a ticket.

a. Ticket query now shows a ticket selection date

If the ticket query now shows a ticket selection date, inform the beneficiary/recipient when the ticket will be mailed (see DI 55002.015B and DI 55002.015C). Also, tell the beneficiary that they do not need a physical ticket before contacting an EN or State VR agency about services, or assigning the ticket. If the beneficiary/recipient wants to get their ticket before the scheduled mailing date, refer the beneficiary/recipient to MAXIMUS. MAXIMUS' toll-free numbers are:

  • 1-866-968-7842 (1-866-YOUR TICKET); and

  • TTY/TDD 1-866-833-2967 (1-866-TDD 2WORK).

b. Ticket query still shows no ticket selection date

If the ticket query still shows no ticket selection date, make sure the coding input done at step 1 above took.

  • If the coding change was accepted, get another MBR/SSR/DCF and repeat the steps outlined in DI 55002.035A.

  • If the coding change did not get processed, repeat the input, wait two days, and get another ticket query.

B. Examples of situations in which a corrective action can be taken

1. Example 1 – Title II beneficiary lives in ticket location and mail goes to a non-ticket location

If a title II beneficiary resides in a ticket location (see DI 55002.005C.8.) and the mailing address for the beneficiary, the representative payee, or legal guardian is a non-ticket location, make an entry via the Post-Entitlement Online System (POS) (see MSOM T2PE 003.002) to reflect the State and County Code for the beneficiary's current residence address.

2. Example 2 – benefits in suspense for incorrect address information

If an individual's benefits are in suspense status for address reasons, update the beneficiary's address via POS.

3. Example 3 – MBR does not display a childhood disability beneficiary's BOAN

If the MBR does not display a childhood disability beneficiary's BOAN, input the BOAN or process a valid SS-5.

4. Example 4 – requesting the PC to use CDR (IPCA) screen to reflect a favorable medical CDR decision in a Title II MIE diary continuance case

If a Disability Determination Services Query (DDSQ) (see SM 06002.020 and SM 06002.200) shows that a title II beneficiary with a MIE diary has had a favorable CDR decision after the CDR release date and the decision is not reflected on the DCF, the PC with jurisdiction must be requested to make the appropriate DCF input and the case must be transferred to location 732 so that the next scheduled CDR date can be established.

  • When requesting the DCF update, the FO may either contact the PC directly, per established regional procedures, or ask the Regional Center for Disability Programs to do so. When transferring the case to location 732, the FO should explain the transfer by annotating the remarks screen of the DCF with the following: “DDS decision: continuance, dated mmddyy . Next medical diary date: mmyy." The FO can obtain the “DDS decision” from the DEC field of the DDSQ, the “DDS decision date” from MSD field of the DDSQ, and the “next medical diary date” from the MR field of the DDSQ.

5. Example 5 – posting DDSQ information in a Title XVI case with a MIE diary

If a DDSQ shows that a title XVI recipient with a MIE diary has had a favorable CDR decision after the CDR release date and the decision is not reflected on the SSR or DCF, post the DDSQ information to the SSR and the DCF will then be updated automatically.

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