Once the system selects a ticket beneficiary's/recipient's record, the system passes
information about the beneficiary/recipient to the DCF. The following ticket queries
provide information about ticket-eligible beneficiaries/recipients.
The Ticket to Work Query (DIBT) provides general information about a beneficiary's/recipient's current ticket status.
The General Ticket Query (TKQY) provides current ticket information as well as more specific data such as the date
the system selected the beneficiary's/recipient's record, the date the system mailed
the ticket, and the current status of the ticket.
The Ticket Status Range (TKSR) query (available beginning February 16, 2002) provides detailed historical record
of ticket activity by EN. The TKSR is a continuation screen of the TKQY.
The Ticket Use History (TKUH) query (available beginning February 16, 2002) provides a historical record of ticket
activity for each beneficiary once the ticket has been assigned to a provider. For
example, it indicates the dates the ticket is assigned and to which provider(s); the
dates that the ticket is in use; the dates any grace period applies; and information
about ticket assign ability (see DI 55025.001).