If a manual closeout notice must be issued for an established protective filing in
eLAS , the date the notice is issued must be entered in the REC field for the title
XVI closeout issue on the Worksheet (MS 00601.013 ).
NOTE: There is no need to keep a copy of the eLAS Worksheet as documentation of the protective
filing date for applications taken in MSSICS because the protective filing date is
propagated from eLAS into the MSSICS application. If an automated SSA-L991 notice
was issued, the date it was issued is also propagated to the MSSICS application.
If the claim is taken in MSSICS and an automated application cover notice is printed,
the DW01 screen T16 CO issue REC field must be annotated with the date the closeout
notice is issued. If a paper application is taken, the remarks section of the application
must contain the annotation that an SSA-L305 or SSA-L8024 notice was issued and the
date it was issued.
If a manual closeout notice must be issued to closeout the protective filing for someone
named on the title XVI application, the MSSICS remarks field or paper application
remarks field must be documented to show the name of the individual, the closeout
notice issued and the date it was issued.
NOTE: Use the Document Processing System (DPS) or eLAS to issue a SSA-L991. If the automated
SSA-L991 is used, a copy of the notice is sent to ORS. DPS is the preferred vehicle
for issuing manual protective filing closeout notices because DPS contains a check
block for sending a copy of the notice to the Online Retrieval System (ORS) where
it will be retained for 7 years.
If the title II application serves as an oral inquiry for SSI, see GN 00201.005E.2. and GN 00201.005F.2. for the documentation requirements.
The protective filing period for written statements and oral inquiries is 60 days
after the date of the closeout notice. There are no provisions to extend this time
period based on “good cause” for late filing or mail time when an application is returned
to SSA through the United States mail.
If interim assistance reimbursement (IAR) is involved and closeout language is included
on the IAR authorization form, the closeout period ends 60 days after the date the
IAR authorization is signed at the State agency.
EXCEPTIONS: When the 60th day falls on a nonworkday, the protective filing period ends with the
following workday.
In situations where a prior closeout notice was issued and an application is completed
within the 60-day protective filing period but must be sent to the applicant for signature,
the claims interviewer must explain to the applicant that if they return the signed
application within the first 60-day period, we will use the date they first contacted
us as the filing date. If the application is received after this date, but within
the second 60-day closeout period on the SSA-L305-U3 or the SSA-L8024-U3, we will
use the second contact date as the filing date.
If an automated SSA-L991 is issued, the closeout date will be 74 days from the date
of oral inquiry which allows about 14 days for the outside contractor's handling,
printing and distribution of the notices. The claimant will receive the notice 60
days before the closeout date shown in the notice.
REMINDER: Interviewers should make every effort to reschedule an appointment within the protective
filing period. If the next available appointment does not allow for processing a teleclaim,
the interviewer should schedule an in-office appointment within the protective filing
period. If it is not possible to do so, contact local FO management to facilitate
an immediate claim or advise the claimant to visit the local FO without an appointment.