If the individual receives title II benefits, we inform the individual that a PASS
does not affect regular title II work provisions. While participating in PASS, an
individual may still use trial work months and enter into an Extended Period of Eligibility
(EPE). Title II benefits cease if the individual works above the substantial gainful
activity level (SGA) in the EPE.
If the individual receives benefits from another organization, advise the individual
income and resources set aside under a PASS may be counted under assistance programs
administered by other agencies. Recommend the individual check with the other agency
to determine the effect a PASS may have on the other benefit. In most cases, Medicaid,
food stamps, and housing assistance provided through the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development exclude income and resources set aside under a PASS;
returning to work may affect other benefits. The individual should check with the
administering agency to determine what effect, if any, wages may have on the other
benefit; and
SSI and PASS eligibility may end if the person medically improves (see SI 02301.200).