The special resource limitation was applied during conversion of State public assistance
rolls to the SSI program. All recipients who were eligible under the State plan for
December 1973 were automatically deemed to meet the SSI resource limitation provided
the State had not increased its resource limitation since October 1972. Where there
had been such an increase, it was necessary to determine whether the individual could
have met the October 1972 limits, and, if so, it is the October 1972 limits which
set the upper bounds on resources (provided they exceed the SSI limits).
The special resource limits and exclusions do not apply to individuals who initially
apply for SSI payments in January 1974 or later.
In some instances, while the State plan resource limits may be higher than the SSI
limits, the State plan includes items as resources that are excluded from resources
under the SSI program. Conversely, some State plans have lower resource limits but
exclude items that are countable resources under the SSI program.