TN 17 (09-24)

SI 01310.127 Deeming Concept - Deemor


A deemor is an individual whose income and resources are subject to deeming, as defined in SI 01310.001B. Such individuals include:

  • Ineligible parents;

  • Sponsors of noncitizens;

  • Ineligible spouses; and

  • Essential persons.

It does not matter whether these individuals have sufficient income or resources to deem; they are still considered to be deemors.

The type of income such an individual receives (e.g., public income-maintenance payments such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, VA pensions based on need) does not exclude them from this definition.

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SI 01310.127 - Deeming Concept - Deemor - 09/25/2024
Batch run: 09/25/2024