TN 14 (10-24)

SI 01330.220 Deeming - Parent-to-Child Exclusions from Resources


Social Security Act, Sec. 1614(f) , as amended

A. Policy for pensions funds and other resources

1. Pension funds

a. Definition

“Pension funds” are funds held in individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), as described by the Internal Revenue Code, or in work-related pension plans (including such plans for self-employed individuals, sometimes referred to as Keogh plans).

NOTE: This policy is effective September 1, 1987. Pension funds are not excluded prior to that date.

b. Exclusion

Pension funds owned by an ineligible parent or parent's spouse are excluded from resources for deeming purposes. Dividends and interest earned on pension funds owned by an ineligible parent or parent’s spouse are excluded from income. For information on dividends and interest, see SI 00830.500 and SI 01320.195.

2. Other resources

All resource exclusions that apply to an eligible individual's resources apply to the resources of a parent(s) or spouse of a parent. For a list of resource exclusions, see SI 01110.210.

B. Policy for burial exclusions

1. Burial fund exclusion

For treatment of the burial fund exclusion, see SI 01130.409 - SI 01130.425.

2. Burial space exclusion

For treatment of the burial space exclusion, see SI 01130.400.

C. Procedure for pension funds

  1. 1. 

    Accept the allegation if an ineligible parent alleges having money in a pension fund.

  2. 2. 

    Treat the withdrawal as a conversion of a resource per SI 01110.600B.4., if an ineligible parent withdraws monies they had in a pension fund.

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