Under section 13508 of P.L. 103-66, individuals age 65 or over who are not insured
for monthly title II benefits and/or premium-free HI, but have at least 30 quarters
of coverage (QCs), are eligible for a reduction in the amount of their HI premium.
In some cases, an individual whose spouse or former spouse has at least 30 QCs can
also qualify for HI premium reduction (see B. below).
The amount of the HI premium reduction for months in 1994 is 25 percent. The amount
of the reduction increases by 5 percent effective January of each year until the maximum
reduction of 45 percent is reached in 1998. See HI 01005.007 for the reduced HI premium amount, additional eligibility information, and effective
NOTE: Premium reduction also applies to Premium-HI for the Working Disabled. (See HI 00801.170 E. for a discussion of how the reduction applies to the disabled.)