A determination or decision may have appeared correct based on the available evidence
at the time it was made. If it later comes to light (through new and material evidence
or other means) that the determination or decision was incorrect, reopening and revision
should be considered as indicated above.
EXAMPLE 1: In processing an award for SVB, the adjudicator overlooked the SVB claimant's statement
that he was receiving a monthly Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) pension
of $98 and failed to reduce the SVB payment by that amount. The initial determination
notice of 6/1/00 indicated that the maximum SVB payment of $384 was payable.
The error was not discovered and corrected until 1/2/03 when the beneficiary was visiting
the United States and requested the field office to initiate direct deposit of his
SVB payments. An initial determination notice of the beneficiary's SVB benefit reduction
was dated 1/4/03. In this case, SSA cannot reopen or revise payments for the retroactive
period since the two-year limit for correcting the clerical error (6/1/00 through
6/1/02) has elapsed. However, “current” benefits can be reduced (effective 2/03) to
the correct amount (including any increases in the PVAO since the earlier incorrect
initial determination) on the basis of a redetermination action (see VB 02507.060B.1.). Also, see VB 02507.050A.3. and VB 02507.050B.1. for the required notice of payment reduction.
EXAMPLE 2: Same facts as above except the adjudicator noted the alleged monthly PVAO pension
of $98 but incorrectly reduced the monthly SVB payment by $108. This clerical error,
which was unfavorable in its effect on the beneficiary, can be reopened and revised both retroactively
and prospectively according to the requirements and limitations in VB 02507.010.