TN 120 (06-24)

GN 02406.207 Nonreceipt of Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check/ Type 9 Payment -- Field Office and Teleservice Center Instructions -- Title XVI

IMPORTANT: Specific notations are made for action the TSC should take and when; once 10 calendar days have passed since the nonreceipt was input, the TSR should input an A-stop and send an MDW to the FO requesting that an AOTP be issued, unless abuse of the nonreceipt reporting system is a factor. If abuse is present, see GN 02406.207B. Refer to the TSCOG if there are further questions.

A. Procedure

The TSC/FO must follow these procedures to resolve a nonreceipt of a title XVI courtesy disbursement or replacement check (type 9 payment):

1. Does the Treasury status query for the original check show an interim reply code 01?

  • If no, go to Step 2.

  • If yes, go to Step 3.

    For information on how to read the Q query control, see SM 01315.206.

2. Have at least 10 days passed since the nonreceipt was input?

  • If no, advise the claimant to contact after 10 days have passed. STOP.

  • If yes, go to Step 3.

3. Is an F-Stop reflected on the Treasury status query for the replacement (courtesy) check (this would indicate that the original check was cashed)?

The TSC/FO will:

  • If no, input an A-Stop on the replacement and go to Step 4.

  • If yes, go to Step 5.

4. Is this a dire need situation (see criteria in SI 02004.100)?

If no:

  • The TSC will: Forward via MDW to FO to issue AOTP for full amount of the missing check.

The FO will: Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the original check.

When the system computes an overpayment, a B-3 diary will be established.

  • Input an N-TAC on the AOTP to temporarily resolve the overpayment.

  • Enter “AOTP for MMDDYYYY CK” (original check) in the SSR RMKS segment.

  • Stop.

If yes:

The TSC will: Refer the case to the FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Issue an immediate payment (IP) for the amount of the check not to exceed $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023). (The IP is an advance against future payments. Depending on systems cutoff dates, the full amount will be recovered from the first or second check.)

  • Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check (to satisfy immediate replacement requirement). For more information on IP, see SI 02004.100

  • Input an N-TAC on the AOTP to temporarily resolve the overpayment.

  • Enter “Dire need $    IP issued; AOTP of $    also issued for MMDDYY CK” in the SSR RMKS segment.

5. If an F-Stop is reflected on the Treasury status query:

  • Remove the N-TAC.

  • Release the overpayment letter.

  • Do not issue an AOTP.

  • Go to step 6.

6. Does claimant allege forgery? (See also GN 02406.310.)

If yes:

The TSC will: Refer case to FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Obtain a signed SSA-561-U2.

  • Input an L-TAC (after receiving the completed 561) to stop overpayment recovery.

  • Have recipient complete an FMS-1133 claims package.

  • Photocopy the claims package and keep for 1 year.

  • Forward claims package and check photocopy to Treasury. Go to step 7.

If no:

  • Begin recovery process.

7. Was the check forged? (See IMPORTANT information below in this section.)

If yes:

  • Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check.

  • Annotate SSR RMKS segment.

If no:

  • Delete the L-TAC.

  • Begin recovery process. Stop

IMPORTANT: Examine the situation before taking action. There are 4 scenarios that may occur in this process:

  • The claimant may have cashed the original and not the replacement, in which case the claimant is not due any further money and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may not have cashed the original but did cash the replacement, in which case the claimant is not due any further money and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may not have cashed either check, in which case the claimant is due a payment and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may have cashed both checks, in which case there is a DCN overpayment. (See GN 02406.310, SI 02220.000, GN 02210.000.)

When credits are received from Treasury, either because checks were not cashed or because of reclamation causing an excess decision, delete the N- or L-TAC on the overpayment.

B. Procedure history of abuse (See criteria in GN 02406.150A.2. through GN 02406.150A.3.)

When a known abuser of the nonreceipt reporting system alleges nonreceipt of the original check, a C-Stop is input to obtain status of the original check before a replacement (type 9 payment) is issued. Therefore, it may take 3-5 weeks for status of the original check to show on the Treasury status query for:

  • the replacement to be issued if the original was not cashed, and

  • the replacement check to be considered a nonreceipt.

IMPORTANT: The following instructions do NOT pertain to nonreceipt of a settlement check (check issued after Treasury determines original was cashed over a forged signature). For nonreceipt of a settlement check, see GN 02406.202.

1. Status of C-stop input

Check the Treasury status query to determine the status of the C-Stop nonreceipt input and whether a replacement check has been issued.

If dire need is alleged:

  • TSC: Forward case to FO via priority MDW.

  • FO: Issue an IP for up to $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023) and annotate the SSR RMKS segment.

2. “01” Interim Reply on Treasury status query

If the Treasury status query shows a C-Stop was input and an “01” interim reply code, Treasury is investigating the status of the original . No replacement check has been issued yet. Continue to monitor the Treasury status query for status. Go to step 3.

3. CP&R Code “31”

In addition to the C-Stop and the 01 status code, if there is a CP&R reply code of 31, the replacement check was issued, probably about 5 days after the date of the CP&R code, signifying that the original check was NOT cashed. If sufficient mail time has elapsed (about 5 days), go to step 5; otherwise, go to step 4.

4. CP&R Code “11”

If the CP&R code is 11, the original check was cashed; Treasury will send a claims package directly to the recipient. No settlement check will be issued unless Treasury determines forgery was involved. Go to step 9.

5. Is an F-Stop reflected on the Treasury status query for the replacement check?

If yes:

  • Go to step 10.

If no:

  • Input an A-Stop and go to step 6.

6. Do not issue an AOTP at this point.

Tell the recipient that status of the missing check must be obtained before a replacement can be made. Go to step 7.

7. Diary

Diary for 2-3 weeks for return of status code because of the A-Stop on the replacement check. Go to step 8.

8. Was type 9 check cashed?

If no:

  • The TSC will: Forward case to FO via priority MDW.

  • The FO will: Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check.

If yes:

  • Go to step 9.

9. F-stop on Treasury status query?

If the Treasury status query shows an F-stop on the replacement check, this indicates the original was cashed after Treasury determined that it was not cashed and issued the replacement check.

  • Release the overpayment letter.

  • Do not issue an AOTP.

  • Go to step 10.

10. Does claimant protest the overpayment? (See also GN 02406.310.)

If yes:

The TSC will: Forward case to FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Have claimant complete an SSA-561-U2 and FMS-1133 claims package.

  • Input an L-TAC once a completed, signed SSA-561-U2 is received.

  • Photocopy completed claims package and forward original to Treasury. Go to step 11.

If no:

  • Begin overpayment recovery.

11. Was check forged?

If yes:

  • Treasury will issue a settlement check, if appropriate.

If no:

  • Remove the L-TAC.

  • Begin overpayment recovery.

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GN 02406.207 - Nonreceipt of Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check/ Type 9 Payment -- Field Office and Teleservice Center Instructions -- Title XVI - 06/25/2024
Batch run: 03/04/2025