TN 13 (12-24)

GN 03960.060 Post-Review Actions Under the Fee Agreement Process - Title II

A. Review of Fee Agreement Determination

When the decision maker initially approved or disapproved the fee agreement and the reviewer has affirmed or reversed that determination, post-review actions vary depending on the result.

NOTE: For the definition of “reviewer,” see GN 03960.001D.12.

1. Reviewer Affirmed the Disapproval

When the reviewer has affirmed the disapproval of the fee agreement, the representative must seek approval under the fee petition process to charge and collect a fee. If the representative is not eligible for direct payment, no post-review action is necessary.

If the representative is eligible for direct payment, including when they assigned direct payment of the fee to an eligible entity, the processing center (PC) will, for cases decided:

  • Below the hearing level, follow GN 03930.045C.1 and diary the case for 60 days.

  • At the hearing or Appeals Council (AC) level, follow GN 03930.045C.2 and diary the case for 60 days.

  • In Federal court proceedings or on remand from a court, follow GN 03930.045C.2 and diary the case for 120 days.

If the initial decision maker approved the fee agreement, and the reviewer intends to reverse that determination and disapprove the agreement, see GN 03960.060B.

2. Reviewer Affirmed the Approval or Approved the Fee Agreement

When the reviewer affirmed the approval or reversed the initial disapproval determination and has approved the fee agreement, technicians:

  • Follow GN 03940.030 (Title II claims) or GN 03940.046 (Title XVI claims) to calculate the fee amount if manual calculation is necessary and provide notice of the amount of the fee under the approved agreement, if not resolved already; the past-due benefits amount; and the right to request administrative review of the fee amount within 15 days of receiving this notice.

  • In a concurrent Titles II and XVI case, notify the servicing FO that the determination is available in the online retrieval system (ORS) using Processing Center Action Control System (PCACS) or other locally used communication method a copy of the claimant's notice showing the past-due benefits and fee amounts.

  • Recode the Appointed Fee (APPFEE) and Appointed Rep Account Data (APPREP) Data Lines using the Appointed REP Account Data (ARA) screen.

NOTE: If the reviewer reverses the approval of the fee agreement, any fee previously authorized and paid will be treated as an excess fee matter as described in GN 03920.051, regardless of whether we or the claimant paid the previously authorized fee.

3. Reviewer Affirmed the Approval or Approved the Fee Agreement and Authorized the Fee Amount

When the reviewer affirmed the initial approval or reversed the previous disapproval determination and has approved the fee agreement and authorized the fee amount, technicians:

  • In a concurrent Titles II and XVI case, notify the servicing FO that the determination is available in ORS using PCACS or other locally used communication method.

  • Recode the APPFEE and APPREP Data Lines using the ARA screen.

B. Reviewer Reversed Approval of the Fee Agreement

When the requester disagreed with the amount of the fee authorized under the agreement and the reviewer disapproved the fee agreement on administrative review, the representative must seek authorization under the fee petition process to charge and collect a fee, or to retain any part of the fee they already collected.

1. Representative Has Petitioned for Authorization of a Fee

The PC reviewer sends the completed Form SSA-1560 or equivalent fee petition to the individual in the PC who has been delegated the authority to approve the representative’s fee under the fee petition process (see GN 03930.001). If the initial authorization was made at hearing level or above, the reviewer will forward the Form SSA-1560 or equivalent fee petition to the appropriate decision maker identified in GN 03930.015B.

2. Representative Has Not Petitioned for Authorization of Fee - Concurrent Titles II and XVI Case

In addition to the necessary PC action shown in GN 03960.060B.3 or in GN 03960.060B.4 below, the PC reviewer will notify the FO using PCACS, or other locally acceptable method, of their action and that the disapproval notice is available in ORS.

Exception: If information in the claim(s) file shows the claimant has paid the amount of the fee authorized under the agreement, the PC reviewer does not need to complete the Optional Form 41 but will send the servicing FO a copy of the claimant’s notice on administrative review.

3. Representative Not Eligible for Direct Payment

When the representative is not eligible for direct payment, the PC recodes the APPFEE and APPREP Data Lines using the ARA screen.

4. Representative Eligible for Direct Payment

When the representative is eligible for direct payment, including when there is a valid assignment to an eligible entity, the PC recodes the APPFEE and APPREP Data Lines using the ARA screen, and for cases decided:

  • Below the hearing level, follows GN 03930.045C.1 and diary the case for 60 days;

  • At the hearing or AC level, follows GN 03930.045C.2 and diary the case for 60 days; or

  • In Federal court proceedings or on remand from a court, follows GN 03930.045C.2 and diary the case for 120 days.

NOTE: If the representative timely submits a complete fee petition or written notice of their intent to file a petition (see GN 03930.030D), any fee previously authorized and directly paid will be treated as a payment from another source when releasing past-due benefits (see GN 03930.060D) or as an excess fee matter (see GN 03920.051) depending on the circumstances. If the representative does not timely file their fee petition or written notice of intent, the previously authorized and paid fee becomes an excess fee matter.

C. Reviewer Affirms the Fee Under the Agreement

When the reviewer has affirmed the amount of the fee authorized under the agreement, the need for further action depends on whether the representative is eligible for direct payment.

1. Representative Not Eligible for Direct Payment

When the representative is not eligible for direct payment, no post-review action is necessary.

2. Representative Eligible for Direct Payment

When the representative is eligible for direct payment, including when they assigned direct payment to an eligible entity, the technician follows GN 03940.025A and:

  • Certifies direct payment of the fee to the eligible representative, or the eligible entity if there is a valid assignment as described in GN 03920.021, from past-due benefits withheld;

  • Releases any excess to the claimant, unless there are other reasons to continue to withhold past-due benefits (e.g., other eligible representatives or Federal court involvement); and

  • When there are one or more auxiliary beneficiaries whose claims are pending, follows GN 03940.035.

Refer to GN 03920.016, for the definition of “representative eligible to receive direct fee payment” and policy on direct payment to representatives and entities with valid assignments. Refer to GN 03920.021 for information about the assignment of direct payment of fees to an eligible entity.

D. Reviewer Modifies the Fee Under the Agreement

When the reviewer has modified the amount of the fee under the agreement, the technician:

  1. 1. 

    In a concurrent Titles II and XVI case, follows GN 02610.053B.4 and notifies the FO using PCACS or other locally acceptable method, of their action and that the notice is available in ORS.

  2. 2. 

    Recodes the APPFEE and APPREP Data Lines using the ARA screen.

  3. 3. 

    When the representative is eligible for direct payment, including when they assign direct payment to an eligible entity, follows GN 03940.025A and:

    • Certifies direct payment of the fee to the eligible representative, or the eligible entity if there is a valid assignment as described in GN 03920.021, from withheld past-due benefits;

    • Releases any excess to the claimant, unless there are other reasons to continue to withhold past-due benefits (e.g., other eligible representatives or Federal court involvement); and

    • When there are one or more auxiliary beneficiaries whose claims are pending, follows GN 03940.035.

NOTE: If the reviewer reduces the fee amount authorized, any fee previously authorized and paid will be treated as an excess fee matter as described in GN 03920.051, regardless of whether we or the claimant paid the previously authorized fee.


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GN 03960.060 - Post-Review Actions Under the Fee Agreement Process - Title II - 12/19/2024
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