TN 15 (01-25)

DI 25003.010 Vocational Policy References

The references provide additional guidance during VS training and when completing vocational assessments. This list does not include a complete list of all pertinent agency guidance.

A. Social Security Ruling (SSR) references

SSR 24-1pTitles II and XVI: How We Apply the Medical Vocational Profiles

SSR 24-2p Titles II and XVI: How We Evaluate Past Relevant Work

SSR 24-3p Titles II and XVI: Use of Occupational Information and Vocational Specialist and Vocational Expert Evidence in Disability Determinations and Decisions

SSR 20-1p Titles II and XVI: How We Determine an Individual's Education Category

SSR 96-9p Policy Interpretation Ruling Titles II and XVI: Determining Capability to do Other Work – Implications of Residual Functional Capacity for a Less than Full Range of Sedentary Work

SSR 85-15 Titles II and XVI: Capability to do Other Work – The Medical-Vocational Rules as a Framework for Evaluating Solely Nonexertional Impairments

SSR 84-24 Titles II and XVI: Determination of Substantial Gainful Activity for Persons Working in Special Circumstances – Work Therapy Programs in Military Service – Work Activity in Certain Government-Sponsored Programs

SSR 83-14 Titles II and XVI: Capability to do Other Work – The Medical-Vocational Rules as a Framework for Evaluating a Combination of Exertional and Nonexertional Impairments

SSR 83-12 Titles II and XVI: Capability to do Other Work – The Medical-Vocational Rules as a Framework for Evaluating Exertional Limitations Within a Range of Work or Between Ranges of Work

SSR 83-11 Titles II and XVI: Capability to do Other Work – The Exertional based Medical-Vocational Rules Met

SSR 83-10 Titles II and XVI: Determining Capability to do Other Work – The Medical-Vocational Rules of Appendix 2

SSR 82-41 Titles II and XVI: Work Skills and Their Transferability as Intended by the Expanded Vocational Factors Regulations Effective February 26, 1979

B. Program Operations Manual System (POMS) references

DI 23020.050 Disability Determination Services (DDS) Instructions for Identifying, Developing, and Processing Military Casualty/Wounded Warrior (MC/WW) Cases

DI 25001.001 Medical and Vocational Quick Reference Guide

DI 25005.001 Determination of Capacity for Past Relevant Work (PRW) —Basics of Step 4 of the Sequential Evaluation Process

DI 25005.005 Expedited Vocational Assessment at Steps 4 and 5 of Sequential Evaluation

DI 25005.025 Past Relevant Work (PRW) as Generally Performed in the National Economy

DI 25005.050 Making the Past Relevant Work (PRW) Determination

DI 25010.001 Medical-Vocational Profiles

DI 25015.015 Work Experience as a Vocational Factor

DI 25015.017 Transferability of Skills Assessment Policy

DI 25015.018 Transferability of Skills Assessment Process

DI 25015.019 Transferability of Skills Assessment Documentation

DI 25015.020 Determining Capability to Do Other Work -- Implications of a Residual Functional Capacity for Less Than a Full Range of Sedentary Work (SSR 96-9p)

DI 25020.005 Physical Limitations

DI 25020.010 Mental Limitations

DI 25020.015 Environmental Limitations

DI 25025.001 The Medical-Vocational Guidelines

DI 26515.001 Rationale Preparation

DI 27536.005 Required Information for Reopening Initial Determinations

DI 27536.010 Required Information for Reopening Continuing Disability Review Determinations

DI 39521.400 Guides for DDSs in the Administration of Training and Staff Development

C. Acquiescence Rulings (AR) references

Brock AR 14-1(8) Requiring Vocational Specialist (VS) or Vocational Expert (VE) Evidence When an Individual has a Severe Mental Impairment(s)

IMPORTANT: This ruling applies to determinations or decisions made in the Eighth Circuit (Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota) at all levels of administrative review.

Sykes AR 01-1(3) Using the Grid Rules as a Framework for Decisionmaking When an Individual's Occupational Base is Eroded by a Nonexertional Limitation

IMPORTANT: This ruling applies to determinations or decisions made in the Third Circuit (Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the Virgin Islands) at all levels of administrative review.

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