TN 8 (04-23)

DI 28010.145 Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment Form (MRFC) (SSA-4734-F4-Sup) in Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

A. Introduction to MRFCs in CDRs

This section discusses the need for an SSA-4734-F4-Sup (MRFC) assessment form in CDRs. The discussion focuses on steps in the Title II and adult Title XVI CDR sequential evaluation process. For more information on this process, see DI 28005.015.

B. Use of the MRFC

1. Relating MI to ability to work (step 4; see DI 28005.015A.4.)

In cases where the CPD used a medical/vocational basis for the allowance(i.e., a CPD residual functional capacity (RFC) is in the file):

  1. a. 

    Prepare an MRFC assessment showing the current status of restrictions resulting from (only) the mental impairment(s) present at the time of the CPD. For more information on this MRFC assessment, the “MIRS RFC”, see DI 28015.850A.1.

  2. b. 

    Do not prepare an MRFC assessment for the time of the CPD. However, if the medical/vocational decision should have included an RFC assessment but does not, a prior RFC may be prepared. For more information on the “prior RFC,” see DI 28015.315, DI 28015.850A.3., and DI 28015.855D.

  3. c. 

    If the CPD used an obsolete mental RFC form or psychiatric review technique form, see DI 28010.140C.3.a. and DI 28010.140C.3.

2. Severity of current impairments (step 6; see DI 28005.015A.6.)

If there are any current severe mental impairments and no situation in DI 28010.145B.3. exists, prepare a current MRFC form considering all mental impairments. For more information on this MRFC assessment, the “CURRENT RFC,” see DI 28015.850A.4.b.

NOTE: If there are no current severe mental impairments, only a PRT is needed; see DI 28010.140C.1.

3. When not to use an MRFC

  1. a. 

    When medical/vocational factors do not apply to the category of claim involved (e.g., Title XVI childhood cases).

  2. b. 

    In cases where disability was continued on the basis of:

    • meeting/equaling a current listing (Step 2), or

    • no medical improvement (MI) or exception (Step 3 and 5). However, see DI 28015.850A.4. for information about when a current residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment form is needed for future CDRs.

  3. c. 

    In medical improvement not expected (MINE) continuances.

  4. d. 

    In relating MI to ability to work, if the CPD used the Listing of Impairments as its basis (i.e., if the CPD found that an impairment met or equaled a listing and no longer does, MI is already considered to be related to the ability to work).


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DI 28010.145 - Mental Residual Functional Capacity Assessment Form (MRFC) (SSA-4734-F4-Sup) in Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) - 04/05/2023
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