SI 00830.000 Unearned Income

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
SI 00830.001 General Information on Unearned Income TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.005 General Rules for Developing Unearned Income TN 233 09-24
SI 00830.007 Developmental Rules in Posteligibility Situations TN 66 02-95
SI 00830.010 When to Count Unearned Income TN 269 12-24
SI 00830.015 Retroactive Funding Changes TN 236 09-24
SI 00830.050 Overview of Unearned Income Exclusions TN 235 09-24
SI 00830.055 Exclusions Under Other Federal Statutes TN 76 12-97
SI 00830.060 Federal Tax Refunds and Advance Tax Credits for SSI Income Purposes TN 234 09-24
SI 00830.099 Guide to Unearned Income Exclusions TN 95 09-04
SI 00830.100 Expenses of Obtaining Income TN 140 06-20
SI 00830.102 Evaluating Virtual Currencies for SSI Income Determinations TN 182 07-23
SI 00830.105 Payments in Foreign Currency TN 196 08-23
SI CHI00830.106 (IL) AFDC Payments
SI CHI00830.107 (IL) Exhibit I - Sample Letter For Notifying AFDC
SI CHI00830.108 (IL) Exhibit II - Table Of Monthly AFDC Allowances
SI 00830.110 Overpayment Withholding and the “Double Counting” Exception TN 231 08-24
SI CHI00830.110 (IN) AFDC Payments
SI CHI00830.111 (IN) Exhibit I - Sample Letter For Notifying AFDC
SI CHI00830.113 (MI) Michigan’s Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TN 397 - 11/2006)
SI CHI00830.114 (MI) Exhibit I Table Of Monthly AFDC Allowances
SI 00830.115 Garnishment or Other Withholding TN 80 04-99
SI CHI00830.116 (MN) AFDC Payments
SI CHI00830.117 (MN) Exhibit I - Sample Letter for Notifying AFDC
SI CHI00830.118 (MN) Exhibit II - Table Of Monthly AFDC Allowances
SI CHI00830.120 (OH) AFDC Payments
SI CHI00830.121 (OH) Exhibit I - Sample Letter For Notifying AFDC
SI CHI00830.122 (OH) Exhibit II - CDHS/SSA Inter-Agency Referral Form
SI CHI00830.123 (OH) Exhibit III - CCDHS FAX Verification Form
SI CHI00830.124 (OH) Exhibit IV - Table Of Monthly AFDC Allowances
SI CHI00830.126 (WI) AFDC Payments
SI CHI00830.128 (WI) Exhibit I - Wisconsin Table Of Monthly AFDC Allowances
SI CHI00830.129 (WI) Exhibit II - Sample Letter For Notifying AFDC
SI 00830.160 Annuities, Pensions, Retirement, or Disability Payments TN 261 10-24
Broad Categories Of Unearned Income
SI CHI00830.160 (IL) Verification Of State Payments - Illinois Employment Retirement System And State Teachers' Retirement System
SI 00830.165 Assistance Programs With Governmental Involvement - General TN 80 04-99
SI 00830.170 Income Based on Need (IBON) TN 80 04-99
SI 00830.175 Assistance Based on Need (ABON) TN 221 03-24
SI BOS00830.175 Assistance Based On Need
SI CHI00830.175 Assistance Based on Need – General Assistance and General Relief – Not Paid to Refugees (RTN 392 -- 07/2006)
SI KC00830.175 Assistance Based on Need (ABON) (RTS 24 -- 01/2007)
SI SEA00830.175 Alaska Senior Assistance Program
SI 00830.180 Other Assistance Involving Government Funds TN 68 04-96
SI 00830.185 Work Relief (Workfare) Programs TN 68 04-96
SI 00830.210 Benefits Paid Under Title II of the Social Security Act TN 232 09-24
SI 00830.215 Black Lung Benefits TN 103 04-09
SI 00830.220 Office of Personnel Management (Civil Service and Federal Employee Retirement System) Payments TN 88 02-02
SI 00830.225 Railroad Retirement Payments TN 237 09-24
SI 00830.230 Unemployment Insurance Benefits TN 238 09-24
SI CHI00830.230 (MI) Verifying Unemployment Insurance Benefits (RTN 425 – 11/2015)
SI DAL00830.230 Unemployment Benefits (Texas)
SI DAL00830.231 Unemployment Compensation and Wages (Arkansas)
SI CHI00830.233 Verifying Ohio Unemployment Insurance Benefits (RTN 390 -- 06/2006)
SI 00830.235 Workers' Compensation TN 239 09-24
SI CHI00830.235 (OH) Bureau Of Workers' Compensation Of Ohio - Living Maintenance Payments
SI CHI00830.236 (OH) Verifying Workers' Compensation (RTN 384 -- 02/2006)
SI 00830.240 Military Pensions TN 240 09-24
SI 00830.250 State Disability Insurance Benefits TN 249 09-24
SI 00830.260 State Annuities for Certain Veterans TN 192 08-23
SI 00830.300 Department of Veterans Affairs Payments TN 244 09-24
SI 00830.302 Veterans Affairs (VA) Pension Payments TN 245 09-24
SI 00830.304 Veterans Affairs (VA) Compensation Payments TN 253 10-24
SI 00830.306 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits TN 263 10-24
SI 00830.308 VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound Allowances TN 258 10-24
SI 00830.310 VA Clothing Allowance TN 74 06-97
SI 00830.311 Veterans Affairs (VA) Incentive Therapy (IT) and Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Programs TN 266 10-24
SI 00830.312 VA Payment Adjustment for Unreimbursed Medical Expenses TN 265 10-24
SI 00830.314 Augmented Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits TN 268 11-24
SI BOS00830.314 Augmented VA Benefits
SI PHI00830.314 Augmented VA Benefits
SI 00830.316 Augmented VA Benefits in the Ninth Circuit TN 76 12-97
SI 00830.317 VA Caregivers Payments TN 120 01-14
SI 00830.318 Payments to Veterans’ Children with Certain Birth Defects TN 95 09-04
SI 00830.319 The Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund (FVECF) Payment TN 105 06-09
SI 00830.320 Form SSA-L1103-U3 (SSI Request for Information) to Obtain Information from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) TN 150 12-21
SI CHI00830.320 Verifying VA Benefits (RTN 381 -- 12/2005)
SI 00830.400 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) TN 267 11-24
SI CHI00830.400 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
SI KC00830.400 Verification Of AFDC And TANF In The Kansas City Region
SI DAL00830.401 Aid To Families With Dependent Children (AFDC)
SI 00830.403 Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) TN 264 10-24
SI BOS00830.403 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Connecticut (TN 5-251 -- 01/2005)
SI CHI00830.403 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (RTN 425/06-2013)
SI KC00830.403 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
SI NY00830.403 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) paid by the Division of Family Development (DFD) in the State of New Jersey (08/2005)
SI SEA00830.403 A Description of the TANF Programs in the Four States in the Seattle Region
SI BOS00830.404 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Related Programs — Maine (TN 5-259 — 02/2006)
SI KC00830.404 SSI Income Policy and TANF Rate Changes (Transmittal 22)
SI 00830.405 Emergency Assistance TN 224 05-24
SI ATL00830.405 Emergency assistance
SI BOS00830.405 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Massachusetts
SI BOS00830.407 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Related Programs – Rhode Island (TN x — 01/2021)
SI 00830.410 Foster Care Payments TN 242 09-24
SI BOS00830.410 Verification of Title IV-E Payments to Children in the Custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (MA DCF)
SI KC00830.410 Special Procedure for Iowa Foster Care Title IV-E Payments
SI KC00830.411 Grandparents as Foster Parents Payments (GAFP) - Missouri
SI 00830.415 Adoption Assistance TN 108 05-10
SI CHI00830.415 (IL) Illinois Adoption Assistance
SI DAL00830.415 Adoption Assistance - Oklahoma (TN 16 -- 7-2005)
SI CHI00830.416 (MI) Michigan Adoption Subsidies (RTN 377 -- 10/2005)
SI 00830.417 Child Care Payments TN 80 04-99
SI 00830.418 Alimony and Spousal Support TN 124 10-17
SI CHI00830.419 (IL) Title IV-E Illinois Subsidized Guardianship Payments (RTN 394 -- 09/2006)
SI 00830.420 Child Support Payments TN 211 12-23
SI 00830.425 Support Payments — AFDC/TANF Involvement TN 252 10-24
SI 00830.450 Educational Assistance - General TN 95 09-04
SI 00830.455 Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Gifts TN 95 09-04
SI 00830.500 Dividends and Interest TN 254 10-24
SI 00830.501 Interest and Appreciation in Value of Excluded Burial Funds and Burial Space Purchase Agreements TN 255 10-24
SI 00830.505 Rental Income TN 257 10-24
SI 00830.510 Royalties TN 241 09-24
SI SEA00830.510 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends (AK PFD)
SI 00830.515 Awards TN 80 04-99
SI 00830.520 Gifts TN 191 08-23
SI 00830.521 Gifts of Travel Tickets TN 243 09-24
SI 00830.522 Gift Cards and Gift Certificates TN 247 09-24
SI 00830.525 Gambling Winnings, Lottery Winnings and Other Prizes TN 198 08-23
SI 00830.530 Work-Related Unearned Income TN 147 07-21
SI 00830.535 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) TN 227 06-24
SI 00830.536 Job Corps TN 219 01-24
SI 00830.537 AmeriCorps and National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Payments TN 215 12-23
SI 00830.540 Uniformed Services - Pay and Allowances, Effective Before September 1, 2008 TN 256 10-24
SI 00830.541 Uniformed Services – Worksheets for Benefits Payable Prior to June 1, 2004 TN 94 06-04
SI 00830.543 Sick Pay as Unearned Income TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.545 Death Benefits TN 200 08-23
SI 00830.550 Inheritances TN 204 09-23
SI CHI00830.550 When Inheritance Property Becomes Income
SI KC00830.550 Inheritances
SI 00830.555 Trade Readjustment Act Payments TN 81 03-00
SI 00830.600 Low Income Energy Assistance TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance (HEA/SMA) TN 205 09-23
SI ATL00830.605 Home Energy Assistance And Support And Maintenance Assistance
SI BOS00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance
SI CHI00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance (HEA/SMA) (RTN 422 -- 03/2016)
SI DEN00830.605 DEN – Home Energy Assistance And Support And Maintenance Assistance
SI KC00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance (HEA/SMA) (TN 25 -- 04/2008)
SI SEA00830.605 Home Energy Assistance and Support and Maintenance Assistance (HEA/SMA)
SI 00830.610 Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) (Formerly Action) Programs TN 81 03-00
SI 00830.615 Community Service Block Grants TN 51 10-92
SI 00830.620 Disaster Assistance - Presidentially-Declared Disaster TN 248 09-24
SI NY00830.620 Disaster Assistance: Post-09/11 Payments to Workers and Volunteers who Assisted in the Rescue, Recovery, and Debris Removal Operations at the World Trade Center (WTC) and Related Sites (RTN 431, 08/2011)
SI NY00830.621 Disaster Assistance—Presidentially Declared Disaster—Lower Manhattan Development Corporation Grants
SI 00830.625 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Food Distribution and Shelter Programs TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.630 Federal Housing Assistance TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.635 Food Programs With Federal Involvement TN 155 09-22
SI 00830.640 Programs for Older Americans TN 41 03-91
SI 00830.645 Refugee Cash Assistance, Cuban and Haitian Entrant Cash Assistance and Federally Reimbursed General Assistance Payments to Refugees TN 98 02-06
SI 00830.650 Refugee Reception and Placement Grants and Refugee Matching Grants TN 59 03-94
SI BOS00830.650 Refugee Reception and Placement Grants
SI 00830.655 Relocation Assistance TN 206 09-23
SI 00830.660 Victims' Compensation Payments Income Exclusion TN 113 10-11
SI 00830.665 Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)--TANF Funded TN 262 10-24
SI 00830.670 Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) -- Demonstration Project TN 246 09-24
SI 00830.700 Home Produce for Personal Consumption TN 251 09-24
SI 00830.705 Refunds of Taxes Paid on Real Property or Food TN 44 10-91
SI 00830.710 Payments to Victims of Nazi Persecution TN 207 10-23
SI 00830.711 German Social Insurance Payments Under the ZRBG (“Ghetto Pension” Law) for SSI Income TN 208 10-23
SI 00830.712 Treatment of Inherited Payments to Victims of Nazi Persecution TN 260 10-24
SI 00830.715 Austrian Social Insurance Payments TN 216 12-23
SI 00830.720 Japanese-American and Aleutian Restitution Payments TN 209 10-23
SI 00830.725 Netherlands WUV Payments to Victims of Persecution TN 93 06-04
SI 00830.730 Agent Orange Settlement Payments TN 93 06-04
SI 00830.735 Payments for Clinical Trial Participation TN 259 10-24
SI 00830.736 Payments to Victims from a State Eugenics Compensation Program TN 229 08-24
SI 00830.740 Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund (RECTF) Payments TN 217 12-23
SI 00830.741 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP) TN 250 09-24
SI 00830.745 Department of Defense (DOD) Payments to Certain Persons Captured and Interned by North Vietnam TN 93 06-04
SI 00830.750 Gifts to Children with Life-Threatening Conditions TN 212 12-23
SI 00830.755 Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Payments TN 93 06-04
SI 00830.765 Incentives for Prevention of Chronic Diseases in Medicaid TN 213 12-23
SI 00830.800 Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance TN 67 04-95
SI 00830.810 Bureau of Indian Affairs Adult Custodial Care and Child Welfare Assistance Payments TN 67 04-95
SI 00830.815 Native American Precedent and Resource Center (NAPR) Website TN 184 07-23
SI 00830.820 Individual Indian Money Accounts TN 185 07-23
SI 00830.830 Indian-Related Exclusions TN 69 05-96
SI SEA00830.830 Exclusion of Alaska Native Regional and Village Corporation Distributions
SI 00830.850 Exclusion of Income from Individual Interests in Indian Trust or Restricted Lands TN 203 09-23
SI 00830.852 The Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (Cobell v. Salazar) TN 223 05-24
SI 00830.853 Tribal Trust Accounting and Management Settlement Agreements TN 223 05-24
SI 00830.855 Processing Inquiries from Potential Barney Class Members TN 185 07-23
SI 00830.880 Indian Fishing Rights Income TN 115 12-11

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