SI CHI00830.403 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (RTN 425/06-2013)

A. Illinois

The State of Illinois has replaced AFDC with TANF, but there has been no change in how the state pays eligible households. The size of the household determines the amount of the grant (see chart under section 3 – Additional Information), and the grant amount changes whenever an eligible individual enters or leaves the household. In addition, the grant amount is reduced $1 for every $4 earned by an eligible recipient.

Individuals entitled to SSI benefits are not eligible for TANF. An individual receiving other disability income (e.g., SSA disability) may be eligible to be included in a TANF unit. If the disability benefit level is less than the difference between the individual being included in the unit and not being included in the unit, then the individual is to be included in the unit and the income budgeted against the case.

EXAMPLE: A family of four lives in Group I. The family includes one adult. The payment level is $474. The payment level for a family of three that does not include an adult is $284. The adult does not receive SSI but receives $620 in SSA disability. Since the amount of the client’s disability is greater than the difference in the payment levels ($474 - $284 = $190), the client is not eligible to be included in the unit.

The State of Illinois still allows for a $50 pass-through of child support payments to eligible individuals. See SI 00830.425 for additional information concerning pass-through.

Illinois' TANF program is not funding an Individual Development Account (IDA) program at this time. However, Illinois' TANF program allows recipients to establish an IDA with other agencies or non-profit organizations. These accounts are not counted as resources for TANF purposes to the eligible household, and may not be used to meet current living expenses. The establishment of an IDA does not decrease or stop an eligible individual's TANF payment. SSI excludes TANF-funded IDAs and partially excludes Demonstration Project IDAs from income and resources. See SI CHI00830.403H for more information on IDAs.

1. Administrative Sanctions

Illinois' TANF program allows for administrative sanctions for non-compliance with work, training requirements, and other self-sufficiency activities included in their Personal Responsibility and Services Plan. If a parent who receives TANF for themselves and their children refuses to cooperate, the entire family is ineligible for TANF. If the parent does not refuse, but fails to cooperate, incremental sanction penalties are imposed. These penalties are:

  1. a. 

    The first time an individual fails to cooperate, the family grant is reduced by half until they cooperate. The cash benefit stops for the fourth month if the individual still has not cooperated.

  2. b. 

    The second offense reduces the grant amount by half for 3 months. The cash benefit stops for the fourth month if the individual still has not cooperated.

  3. c. 

    For additional offenses, all cash benefits are suspended until the claimant cooperates.

In addition, sanctions may be applied in the following situations:

  1. a. 

    Failure to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement.

  2. b. 

    Failure to attend school by teen parents under 20 years of age, who do not have a GED or high school diploma.

See SI 00830.403A.6, for information on how to count TANF benefits when sanctions are involved.

2. Emergency Assistance

The State of Illinois runs an emergency assistance program called Crisis Assistance that is funded with TANF and state funds. This program is available to TANF families that are homeless or threatened with becoming homeless, due to fire or other natural disaster, eviction, or physical abuse. In addition, assistance may be offered when a family needs food or clothing due to lost or stolen funds, and when family members need to travel in order to obtain medical care. Assistance payments may be made to the client or to a vendor on their behalf. Payments received by the client under Illinois' Crisis Assistance program are unearned income classified as assistance based on need (ABON) and excluded for SSI purposes (SI 00830.175).

3. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Illinois' TANF program may be found on the Internet at

Illinois Monthly Assistance Payment Levels – Effective July 2008

Family Size

Group I With Adult

Group I Child Only

Group II With Adult

Group II Child Only

Group III With Adult

Group III Child Only































































































































Illinois Monthly Assistance Payment Levels – Prior to July 2008

Family Size

Group I With Adult

Group I Child Only

Group II With Adult

Group II Child Only

Group III With Adult

Group III Child Only































































































































Illinois Monthly Assistance Payment Levels – Prior to July 2002

Family Size

Group I With Adult

Group I Child Only

Group II With Adult

Group II Child Only

Group III With Adult

Group III Child Only






































































































































Counties by Group

Group I Counties



















Group II Counties

































Rock Island


St. Clair








Group III Counties

















































B. Indiana

The State of Indiana has replaced AFDC with TANF, but there has been no change in how the state pays eligible households. The size of the household determines the maximum amount of the monthly grant (see chart under SI CHI00830.403B.3 – Additional Information). The grant amount may change whenever an eligible individual enters or leaves the household. A recipient with earned income is allowed a 75% disregard of the gross earned income before the remainder is applied to the grant calculation. In addition, individuals entitled to receive SSI benefits are not eligible for TANF. Indiana has also eliminated the $50 pass-through for child support payments, and child support paid to TANF recipients is assigned to the state.


TANF grants are not capped at the time of entitlement and will not increase to add a child who was born more than 10 calendar months after the initial date of the parent’s eligibility unless they meet one of the exemptions. To determine an individual's share of a capped grant amount, follow the instructions contained in SI 00830.403C.1.

Indiana's TANF program is not funding an Individual Development Account (IDA) program at this time. However, Indiana's TANF program does allow recipients to establish an IDA. Indiana does not use Federal Block grant funds, but uses TANF MOE funds to support the state IDA program, which is administered by the Indiana Department of Housing and Community Development. These accounts are not counted as resources for TANF purposes to the eligible household, and may not be used to meet current living expenses. The establishment of an IDA does not decrease or stop an eligible individual's TANF payment. SSI excludes TANF-funded IDAs and partially excludes Demonstration Project IDA’s from income and resources. See SI CHI00830.403H for more information on IDAs.

1. Administrative Sanctions

Indiana's TANF program allows for administrative sanctions for noncompliance with work regulations. If an individual refuses to cooperate with the agency, the entire assistance group is removed from the TANF grant. In addition, sanctions may be applied to an individual for failure to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement, with the same loss of benefits.

2. Emergency Assistance

The State of Indiana runs an emergency assistance program that is funded with TANF and state funds. Assistance payments may be made to the client or to a vendor on their behalf. Payments received by the client under this program are unearned income classified as assistance based on need (ABON) and excluded for SSI purposes (SI 00830.175).

3. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Indiana's TANF program may be found on the Internet at

Indiana Monthly Assistance Payment Levels

Number of Eligible Children

Children Only

Children with Parent(s)

or Caretaker Relative





































Each Additional Child



C. Michigan

The State of Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS) administers the TANF funded cash assistance program, called the Family Independence Program (FIP). FIP eligibility is based on financial and non-financial factors. The FIP benefit is issued to the family based on the eligible group size. Individuals that receive SSI benefits are not eligible to receive FIP benefits in addition to SSI benefits.

1. Administrative Sanctions

Michigan's FIP program allows for administrative sanctions for noncompliance with mandatory work requirements and failure to cooperate with child support enforcement. Non-compliance in either requirement results in a loss of family eligibility.

2. Emergency Assistance

The State of Michigan administers an emergency assistance program called State Emergency Relief (SER) that is funded with TANF and state funds. Recipients must meet financial and non-financial factors. Assistance payments are made to a vendor on the client’s behalf. These payments may be used for temporary emergencies such as utility shutoff, relocation, and mortgage payments. Payments under Michigan's SER program are charged as in-kind support and maintenance as outlined in SI 00815.400 and SI 00835.360.

3. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Michigan's TANF program may be found at on the Internet at,1607,7-124-5453_5526---,00.html

Use the eligible grantee payment group when the grantee is a member of the program group.

Remember that a grantee disqualified due to alien status, Intentional Program Violation (IPV), fugitive felon, etc. is a member of the program group and therefore receives the eligible grantee payment standard.

Ineligible grantee payment standard when the grantee is not a member of the program group. This grantee status includes grantees who are:

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients.

  • Caretakers who are optional group members and choose not to be in the group.

  • Unrelated caretakers who receive Family Independence Program (FIP) based solely on the presence of a child placed in the home by children's services.

  • Recipients of independent living stipends.

Michigan Monthly Assistance Payment Levels - Effective December 1, 2024

Group Size

Eligible Grantee

Ineligible Grantee






















Each Additional Person

Add $95 for each additional person

Michigan Monthly Assistance Payment Levels – Effective January 1, 2009 - November 30, 2024

Group Size

Eligible Grantee

Ineligible Grantee






















Each Additional person




Michigan Monthly Assistance Payment Levels – Prior to January 1, 2009

Group Size

Group I Employable Adult/ Children

Group I Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group I Children Only

Group II Employable Adult/ Children

Group II Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group II Children Only


















































Each Additional








Group Size

Group III Employable Adult/ Children

Group III Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group III Children Only

Group IV Employable Adult/ Children

Group IV Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group IV Children Only


















































Each Additional








Group Size

Group V Employable Adult/ Children

Group V Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group V Children Only

Group VI Employable Adult/ Children

Group VI Deferred or SSI Adult/ Children

Group VI Children Only


















































Each Additional







If there is any change in household composition, contact the local FIA caseworker for the new grant amount.

Group I Counties










Presque Isle



Group II Counties













Group III Counties



















Group IV Counties

















St. Joseph








Group V Counties





Grand Traverse










Van Buren




Group VI Counties







St. Clair


D. Minnesota

The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) is the state’s TANF welfare reform initiative. MFIP replaced the AFDC program statewide in January 1998. Federal Law limits to 60, the number of months in a lifetime that households can receive MFIP. There are provisions in the law to extend some of the families that have received MFIP for 60 months.

The MFIP grant contains cash and a food portion. SSI recipients are excluded from the MFIP assistance unit. The SSI recipient may receive SNAP (food) benefits. SSI is counted when determining the SNAP allotment. The size of the household is one of the factors that determine the amount of the grant (see chart under SI chi00830.403D.3 – Additional Information). The grant amount can change any time the household size changes. Minnesota passes through 100% of the current month’s child support paid to the MFIP household by the absent parent. The child support pass-through counts as income to the MFIP household for MFIP purposes. Minnesota’s tribal program also has a child support pass-through policy, although in some cases, not all of the child support is countable income for MFIP purposes. MFIP applicants are required to apply for RSDI and SSI benefits when appropriate. Failure to file for other benefits may result in denial or termination of MFIP assistance.

1. Administrative Sanctions

MFIP allows for pre-60 and post-60 month sanctions for noncompliance with work and child support requirements. Failure to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement requirements results in a sanction of 30% of the MFIP grant. For pre-60 month households, the first instance of noncompliance with the work requirements results in a 10% MFIP grant reduction. A second instance results in a 30% MFIP grant reduction after rent (and in some cases, utilities) have been vendor paid. The sanction remains in place until the sanction issue is resolved. Post 60-month sanctions are the same as pre-60 month sanctions, but may result in the case being permanently closed if the sanction issue is not resolved.

2. Emergency Assistance

Minnesota has an Emergency Assistance (EA) program, which is funded with TANF and state funds. EA payments are made to the claimant or to a vendor on the claimant’s behalf. These payments may be used for temporary emergencies such as utility shutoff, relocation, rent or mortgage payments. EA will be approved only if the payment will resolve the emergency. EA payments are available once in a 12-month period. Claimants must also meet a 30-day residency requirement in order to qualify for EA. Payments received by a client under the EA program are unearned income classified as assistance based on need for SSI purposes. Payments paid to a vendor are charged as in-kind support and maintenance as outlined in SI 00815.400 and SI 00835.360.

3. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Minnesota’s MFIP and EA programs can be found on the Internet at

Minnesota Monthly Assistance Payment Levels

# of Eligible People

Full Standard

Cash Portion

Food Portion









































Each Additional Person





The standard grant amount may change if a member of the family receiving benefits also has earned income. In addition, non-citizens may not be eligible to receive the full standard grant amount. The food portion of MFIP grant amounts changed in October 2002.

E. Ohio

The State of Ohio provides cash assistance through a program known as Ohio Works First (OWF). Families with earned income who do not currently participate in Ohio Works First, and who have not participated in at least one of the previous four months, must meet a “gross monthly income test” for eligibility. Gross monthly income includes unearned income and earned income before taxes. The size of the household determines the amount of the grant (see chart in, SI CHI00830.403E.3), and the grant amount changes based on changes in the size of the household. In addition, persons receiving SSI benefits are not eligible for OWF.

1. Administrative Sanctions

Failure to sign the self-sufficiency contract without good cause can result in denial or termination of benefits, which would affect the entire family. The contract explains the requirements for the participant, the requirements for the county department of job and family services and, if applicable, the requirements for the child support enforcement agency and/or public children services agency.

2. Prevention, Retention and Contingency Benefits

Many counties in Ohio provide assistance under the Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) program. The purpose of the PRC program is to assist economically needy families in achieving self-sufficiency. Each county develops eligibility rules for the operation of the PRC program in that county; benefits may vary from county to county.

3. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Ohio's TANF program may be found on the Internet at



The standard grant amount may change if a member of the family receiving benefits also has earned income. In addition, non-citizens may not be eligible to receive the full standard grant amount. The food portion of MFIP grant amounts changed in October 2002.

Ohio Monthly Assistance Payment Levels

Number in Assistance Group

Standard Payment Effective 7/1/13


$ 273


$ 374


$ 458


$ 564


$ 661


$ 735


$ 822

Ohio Monthly Assistance Payment Levels

Number in

Assistance Group

Standard Payment Effective 7/1/00

Standard Payment

Prior to 7/1/00


$ 223

$ 215


$ 305

$ 296


$ 373

$ 361


$ 461

$ 446


$ 539

$ 523


$ 600

$ 582


$ 670

$ 650


$ 743

$ 721


$ 817

$ 793


$ 891

$ 865


$ 963

$ 934













Each Additional Child



F. Wisconsin

1. Background

The State of Wisconsin has replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) with the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program, which pays block grants to recipients. The size of the household does not have any bearing on the amount of the grant. Qualified recipients in Wisconsin are paid under one of two different program components:

  • The Community Service Job (CSJ) component will pay an eligible household up to $673 a month; or

  • The W-2 Transitions (W-2T) component will pay eligible households up to $608 a month.

2. SSI Income Determinations for W-2T

Depending on which family member files for SSI, there may be no change to the grant amount when an SSI eligible person is removed from the case or leaves the household. Since the grant is paid completely with federal funds, CSJ or W-2T payments must be charged as IBON per SI 0830.403B.1. However, until April 2001, Wisconsin paid state-funded W-2 and CSJ benefits to new SSI applicants. At this time, the only W-2 or CSJ participants who should still be receiving a state-funded benefit are those who have an SSI application submitted prior to 10/1/00 that is still in an appeal status. If a grant was changed to state funding prior to April 2001, the state will not change it back to federal funding until a final decision is made regarding SSI eligibility. When the grant is paid only with state funds, the grant should be excluded as assistance based on need (ABON), in accordance with SI 00830.175. Field offices in Wisconsin are able to verify whether the W-2T or CSJ grant is being paid with federal or state funds through use of the on-line access program.


Effective with claims filed 10/1/00 and later, SSA has used a per capita method for charging TANF income. Therefore, we can now charge a prorated share of the W-2T grant (i.e., if the grant is $500 and there are five individual in the household, we would count $100 as each person's share of the grant).

The State of Wisconsin has eliminated the $50 pass-through for child support payments made to eligible households. Under the new W-2 program, most child support payments will be paid directly to the custodial parent, and not be used to offset the cost of TANF.

3. Caretaker Supplement

In addition to CSJ and W-2T, the State of Wisconsin has a cash benefit program for SSI recipients with dependent children called Caretaker Supplement (C-Supp). This program provides a monthly benefit of $100 for each eligible child meeting the following criteria:

  • The child's sole custodial parent receives SSI or the child lives with both parents who receive SSI.

  • The child meets the financial and non-financial AFDC eligibility criteria in place prior to TANF.

  • The child does not receive SSI benefits.

Beginning November 1, 1999 the benefit is $250 per month for the first eligible child and $150 per month for each additional eligible child. For example, if there are two eligible children living with their SSI eligible parent, the C-Supp will be $400 per month. Verification should be made to determine, which child is considered the first eligible child; this child will be charged $250 of the C-Supp.

These payments are paid directly to the SSI recipient and may be paid from state or federal funds. Payments from state funds are excluded from income as ABON; payments made with federal funds are counted as IBON. Verification should be made with the local Department of Health or Social Services Agency or through use of the on-line access program to determine the source of the funds.

4. Kinship Care

Kinship Care is an alternative to Foster Care for children who have experienced abuse or neglect in their parent’s home and who are now in the custody of an eligible relative [DCF 58.03(18)]. A monthly payment of $232 per child may be paid to the relative/caretaker. The relative may not receive Kinship Care for a child who is receiving SSI benefits. This payment is made with both federal and state funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, but it is not based on financial need. Therefore, these payments should be treated as unearned income to the child, subject to the $20 general exclusion.

5. Job Access Loans

There are no provisions under W-2T that allow for the establishment of an Individual Development Account (IDA). However, the state does grant "Job Access Loans" to help families meet immediate financial needs. These loans are short-term, no-interest loans, from $25 to $1600 with a repayment period of 12 months, designed to assist a recipient with immediate needs to obtain or support employment.

These loans may be used to fund expenses such as car loans and repairs, uniforms and clothing for work, and rent or security deposits to prevent eviction. These loans are not income to the recipient per SI 00815.350.

6. Administrative Sanctions

Wisconsin's TANF program allows for administrative sanctions for noncompliance with work regulations. CSJ and W-2T participants who fail to participate in assigned work training activities may have their grants reduced by $5.15 for each hour missed without good cause. A participant who fails or refuses, without good cause, to participate in a W-2 employment position may accumulate strikes. If the participant accumulates three strikes, they will be ineligible to participate in that employment position for life. In addition, participants who refuse to cooperate with child support, or fail to provide needed verification, will be found ineligible for W-2.

7. Emergency Assistance

The State of Wisconsin runs an emergency assistance program called Emergency Assistance (EA) that is funded with TANF and state funds. The EA program is designed to meet the immediate needs of households facing an emergency due to fire, flood, other natural disaster, energy crisis, or homelessness.

The EA assistance group consists of all persons residing in the household at the time of the emergency, and must include a child under 18. The grant allocates up to $150 for each household member. In cases of homelessness, resulting from other than domestic abuse, an EA grant may be issued once every 36 months. Individuals eligible due to energy crisis or homelessness, as a result of domestic abuse, are eligible for a grant once every 12 months. Payments received by the client under the EA program are unearned income classified as assistance based on need (ABON) and excluded for SSI purposes (SI 00830.175).

8. Additional Information

Additional information regarding Wisconsin's TANF program may be found on the Internet at

The state of Wisconsin has tribal run TANF programs with the following tribes:

  1. a. 

    Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians

  2. b. 

    Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians

  3. c. 

    Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians

  4. d. 

    Mole Lake Band of Sokaogon Chippewa

  5. e. 

    Forest County Potawatomi Tribe

a. Red Cliff Band Information

The Red Cliff Band's TANF program was implemented in October 1998. All registered Red Cliff Tribal members and any other persons residing in the Red Cliff reservation areas with natural or adopted children who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible to receive TANF benefits. Tribal TANF recipients are allowed to continue receiving child support payments directly; however, their TANF grant is reduced by the amount of child support received.

Under the Red Cliff Tribal program, recipients are eligible to continue to receive tribal benefits and SSI. In order to qualify for TANF benefits, tribal TANF recipients are required to obtain a GED or high school diploma and to participate in job search and employment workshops. Failure to comply with these requirements reduces the grant by the number of hours missed, times the minimum wage. The TANF grant is $560 if the recipient is in a working household and has a high school diploma or GED. The grant is reduced to $530, if the recipient is in a non-working household without a high school diploma or GED. There is a family cap on the grant amount.

The Red Cliff Band's Tribal TANF program provides emergency assistance with funds provided by the state. Funds may be provided for emergencies resulting from fire, natural disasters, and homelessness. Emergency assistance is paid directly to the vendor involved and should be charged as in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) to the claimant per SI 00815.400 and SI 00835.360.

The receipt of benefits from the Red Cliff Band may be verified with the TANF caseworker at (715) 779-3706.

b. Lac du Flambeau Information

The Lac du Flambeau's TANF program was implemented in January 2000. All registered Lac du Flambeau Tribal members and any other persons residing in Lac du Flambeau reservation areas with natural or adopted children who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible to receive TANF benefits. Tribal TANF recipients are allowed to continue receiving child support payments directly; however, their TANF grant is reduced by the amount of child support received.

In order to qualify for TANF benefits, tribal TANF recipients are required to participate in job search, employment workshops, community service, and to obtain education and training. Failure to comply with these requirements reduces the grant by the number of hours missed, times the minimum wage. The TANF grant is $673 if the recipient is participating in work activities. The grant is reduced to $628, if the recipient is in a non-working household.

The Lac du Flambeau's Tribal TANF program provides emergency assistance with funds provided by the state. Funds may be provided for emergencies as determined under state and Tribal guidelines. Emergency assistance is paid directly to the vendor involved and should be charged as in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) to the claimant per SI 00815.400 and SI 00835.360.

The receipt of benefits from the Lac du Flambeau may be verified with the TANF caseworker at (715) 588-9635.

c. Stockbridge-Munsee Information

The Stockbridge-Munsee's TANF program was implemented in October 1998. All registered Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal members and any other individuals residing in the Stockbridge-Munsee reservation areas with natural or adopted children who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible to receive TANF benefits. Tribal TANF recipients are allowed to continue receiving child support payments directly; however, their TANF grant is reduced by the amount of child support received.

In order to qualify for TANF benefits, tribal TANF recipients are required to obtain a GED or high school diploma and to participate in job search and employment workshops. Failure to comply with these requirements reduces the grant by the number of hours missed, times the minimum wage. The TANF grant is a flat amount of $515 monthly. There is a family cap on the grant amount.

The Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal TANF program provides emergency assistance through the Mohican Emergency Assistance Fund, with funds provided by the tribe. Funds may be provided for emergencies resulting from domestic abuse, natural disasters, and homelessness.

Emergency assistance is paid directly to the vendor involved and should be charged as in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) to the claimant per SI 00815.400 and SI 00835.360.

The receipt of benefits from the Stockbridge-Munsee Band may be verified with the TANF caseworker at (715) 793-4860.

d. Mole Lake Band of Sokaogon Chippewa Information

The Mole Lake Band's TANF program was implemented in October 2007. All registered Mole Lake Band members and any other individuals residing in the Mole Lake Band reservation areas with natural or adopted children who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible to receive TANF benefits. Tribal TANF recipients are allowed to continue receiving child support payments directly, as long as the amount of support is less than 150% of the federal poverty level.

In order to qualify for TANF benefits, tribal TANF recipients are required to obtain a GED or high school diploma and to participate in job search, employment workshops, and life skills training. Failure to comply with these requirements may terminate the TANF grant. The TANF grant is a flat amount of $515 monthly. There is a family cap on the grant amount.

The Mole Lake Band TANF program provides emergency assistance through the Administration for Children and Families, with funds provided by the state. Funds may be provided for emergencies resulting from loss of job or housing, or other emergencies determined by the tribe. Emergency assistance is paid directly to the claimant involved and should be charged as assistance based on need (ABON) for SSI purposes (SI 00830.175).

The receipt of benefits from the Mole Lake Band may be verified with the TANF caseworker at (715) 478-3265.

e. Forest County Potawatomi Tribe Information

The Forest County Potawatomi's TANF program was implemented in July 1997. All registered Forest County Potawatomi members and any other individuals residing in the Forest County Potawatomi reservation areas with natural or adopted children who meet eligibility requirements may be eligible to receive TANF benefits. Tribal TANF recipients are allowed to continue receiving child support payments directly, as long as the amount of support is less than 150% of the federal poverty level.

In order to qualify for TANF benefits, tribal TANF recipients are required to obtain a GED or high school diploma and to participate in job search, employment workshops, and life skills training. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in sanctions that will reduce the amount of the family grant. The TANF grant amount is determined by the size of the household. There is a family cap on the grant amount. In addition, there is a child support pass-through.

The Forest County Potawatomi TANF program provides emergency assistance through the Social Services Tribal Emergency Assistance program, with funds provided by the tribe. Funds may be provided for emergencies resulting from fire, flood, tornadoes, snow, and windstorms. Emergency assistance is paid directly to the claimant involved and should be charged as assistance based on need (ABON) for SSI purposes (SI 00830.175).

The receipt of benefits from the Forest County Potawatomi may be verified with the TANF caseworker at (715) 478-7206.

9. W2 Income Determinations

Under the Wisconsin TANF program, an adult with minor children receives the same benefit regardless of the number of children on the federally funded W2 grant (e.g., Transition or Community Services). For example, an adult with two children may be eligible for a W2 payment of $673. If a child became eligible for SSI, the adult would still receive $673.

For claims filed prior to October 1, 2000, we used the incremental share method to determine the amount of income based on need for cases involving federally funded W2 payments. An individual’s incremental share of a grant is determined by subtracting the amount of the grant without including the individual from the amount of the grant with the individual included. This would make the adult’s incremental share of the W2 grant $673 (since no W2 benefits would be paid if the adult were not on the grant), and the child’s incremental share would be zero (since the grant amount would not change if the child were removed).


For information on SSI income determinations involving State funded W2 payments, see SI 00830.175.

Due to the inequities in using the incremental method to determine the amount of a W2 TANF-related grant that should be charged as income to either an adult or a child member of the grant, the policy on determining TANF-related income for programs like W2 was changed. The effective date of the change was October 1, 2000. We now have two policies on determining the amount of a W2 grant that constitutes income for SSI purposes.

  • If the SSI claim was received in the FO prior to October 1, 2000, then the old, incremental method for determining how much, if any, of a W2 grant is income to the SSI claimant must be used. We must use this method regardless of when the W2 payments are made. Whether W2 payments are made before or after October 1, 2000 is not material to the income determination; the only controlling factor in determining which method to use in making the W2 income determination is the SSI filing date.

  • For SSI claims received in the FO on or after October 1, 2000 (regardless of the protective filing date, if any), we use the per capita method to determine the amount of a W2 grant that should be charged to the SSI claimant (i.e., we divide the amount of the grant by the number of people on the grant).

If the grant includes more than one SSI recipient, the filing date for each recipient will be used to determine the method for computing SSI income for that recipient.


Smith, an adult, files for SSI benefits May 3, 2001 and is approved. Smith is receiving federally funded W2 payments for themselves and two minor children. One of the minor children, Oldest, is already receiving SSI based on an application filed on August 15, 2000. The other minor child is not eligible for SSI payments. The amount of the W2 grant is $628 per month.

Since Smith filed for SSI on or after October 1, 2000, Smith's portion of the W2 grant is computed using the pro rata share method, and they are charged with $209.33 in income based on need for each month, beginning May 2001. Smith will continue to be charged $209.33 per month in income based on need until the State either closes the W2 grant or begins paying the W2 payment using only State funds. There is neither a Federal nor a State legal prohibition against receiving both W2 and SSI payments.

Oldest's SSI claim was filed prior to October 1, 2000 therefore; we would use the incremental method to determine the claimant's share of the W2 grant. Since the grant is the same with or without the claimant inclusion,their incremental share would be zero, so they would not be charged with any income based on need.

10. Verification Procedures for Wisconsin

Verification of TANF funding should also be reviewed during regularly scheduled RZs. Wisconsin field offices (FOs) with on-line access to the State of Wisconsin databases can verify through this system if TANF payments are being paid by state or federal funds. If the FO is unable to verify the funding source through other means, Exhibit II may be used for verification.


Exhibit I--Sample Letter for Verifying TANF funding in Wisconsin

DO Address


Wisconsin DWD


To Whom It May Concern:


We have been informed that ____________(NAME)______   _____ (ADDRESS) __________ has been receiving TANF payments. This individual has filed for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments and is eligible for payment. Our records show the following information.


Social Security Number: ___________      Date of Entitlement: _____________

TANF Claim Number: ______________    Estimated Date of First Check: _______

Type of Benefit: Aged_______ Blind________ Disabled_______

Please verify whether the TANF payment received by ______(NAME)______ is being paid with federal or state funds.


We need this information monthly for the entire period requested (from the SSI date of entitlement through the TANF ineligibility date). Please complete the information below and return this form in the envelope provided. If you have any questions please contact

Name (SSA Employee)     Title____________     Telephone Number ___________


District Manager

Date of Entitlement to TANF:___________     Type of Grant: ________________

Funding Source for Grant: Federal Funds_______     State Funds_______

Date of change from federal funding to state only funding: ____________

Name (TANF Worker) Title _____________    Phone Number_____________ Agency_______________________    Date _____________________


Exhibit II--Sample Fax for Verifying Caretaker Supplement Information in Wisconsin

Request for Confirmation of Wisconsin Caretaker Supplement

Payment Information---- FAX: 608-221-0991 (All entries must be completed)

TO: State SSI Caretaker Supplement Unit/EDS

P.O. BOX 6680

MADISON, WI 53716-0680

FROM: UNIT NUMBER: ____________________




FO Phone: __________________________    FO Fax: ___________________

Parent's Name:_______________________    SSN: _____________________

Parent's Name:_______________________    SSN:______________________

Child's Name: _______________________     SSN:______________________

Who is considered the first eligible child on this case?

Name: _____________________________ SSN:______________________

What was the source of funds for the Caretaker Supplement for this child for the period: ________________ through __________________ ?


State Caretaker Supplement/EDS REPLY

Period of Time: Source of Funds (Circle one)

(MM/YR) through (MM/YR) State = "S" TANF = "T"

________ ________ = S or T

________ ________ = S or T

________ ________ = S or T

________ ________ = S or T

G. Verification of TANF Termination


The following procedures do not apply to the state of Wisconsin.

State SSI Caretaker Unit: ____________________(name of person completing reply)

State Caretaker Supplement questions can be directed to: 800-675-0249

Obtain and document the claimant's allegation of the current TANF payment amount, and the number of children and adults on the grant. Ascertain whether there have been any recent additions to the family household (in Illinois TANF grants are capped and not increased when another baby is born into the household). If not, compare the alleged amount and family size with the appropriate state or county chart.


If the claimant's allegations of family size and TANF payment amount match the appropriate chart amounts, compute the difference between the grant amount for that family size and the grant amount with the SSI applicant removed. The amount determined by this method is unearned income for the SSI applicant. Document the file with a separate Report of Contact (RC) showing the computation. Verification may be done postadjudicatively.


If the claimant's allegations of family size and TANF payment amount do not agree with the chart, the SSI claimant's share of the TANF grant must be verified with the paying agency prior to adjudication.


The following regional procedure applies when the TANF agency cannot or will not provide a TANF termination date:

  • Input TANF income with a "C" frequency code;

  • Diary the case to obtain the termination date postadjudicatively;

  • Document the case with a RC stating whether the TANF agency could not or would not provide the information, and that the case has been diaried to obtain the information postadjudicatively.


If the contact with the TANF agency is by mail, a notice similar to Exhibit I may be used. The field office may reproduce this letter or develop one of its own as long as the letter requests all required information.


Exhibit -- Sample Letter for Notifying TANF

DO Address


TANF Agency Address

To Whom It May Concern:


We have been informed that (NAME) (ADDRESS) has been receiving TANF payments. This individual has filed for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments and is eligible for payment. Our records show the following information.

Social Security Number: ____________               Date of Entitlement: ___________

TANF Claim Number: ______________              Estimated Date of First Check: _______

Type of SSI benefit: Aged_____       Blind____         Disability________


The SSI payment will be adjusted to take into account the TANF payment being made. Please verify the amount of the family's TANF payment including (NAME) and the amount the TANF payment would have been if (NAME) had not been included in the grant.


We need this information monthly for the entire period requested (from the SSI date of entitlement through the TANF termination date).


We also need to know the termination date of the TANF payment so we can adjust the SSI payment. Be sure to provide the grant amounts for any months the TANF payment changed. Please complete the information below and return this form in the envelope provided. If you have any questions, please contact


Name (SSA Employee) Title____________ Telephone Number ____________


District Manager

Claimant's Name: ____________________________________________________

Date the TANF grant will no longer include claimant: ____________________

Months           Total Grant Amount          Total Grant Amount

                          With Claimant                  Without Claimant


Name (TANF Worker) Title _____________ Phone Number________________ Agency_______________________ Date _____________________

H. Information Regarding Individual Development Accounts (IDA)

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 allowed for the creation of Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) in connection with TANF payments to individuals. In addition, other agencies were also allowed to create IDAs as part of demonstration projects throughout the country. SSI recipients who have earned income are allowed to create IDAs either through a TANF agency or through other federal agencies.

IDAs created through a TANF agency are completely excludable as resources for SSI individuals. This exclusion pertains to the funds in the IDA as well as any matching funds deposited by TANF, and any interest income added to the account.

Demonstration IDAs created by non-TANF agencies are only partially excluded from SSI resource and income computations. On making resource determinations, we will count as a resource only those funds deposited directly by the claimant. Matching funds deposited to the account by the non-TANF agency will be excluded in resource determinations, and interest earned by the account will be excluded as income. See SI 00830.665, SI 00830.670, SI 01130.678 and SI 01130.679 for additional information regarding IDAs.


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