If the claimant meets both the presence and medical requirements as of the date of
filing (DOF), or by the end of the month of filing, HI will be effective the first
day of the month following the month of filing. If a physician has not diagnosed the
claimant with a qualifying ARD as of the DOF or by the end of the month of filing,
the effective date of HI will be the first day of the month after the month the claimant
is diagnosed with a qualifying ARD if the claimant also meets the presence requirement
in HI 00803.001B.1. second bullet in this section.
Example 1:
Mary Jackson applied for EHH Medicare on May 12, 2010. A completed CMS-10902 (EHH
Checklist) confirmed Mary Jackson received an ARD diagnosis established by a diagnostic
method specified in the law on April 4, 2010, and that Mary Jackson met the presence
requirement. Mary Jackson's HI entitlement began June 1, 2010.
Example 2:
Larry James applied for EHH Medicare on July 12, 2010. As of the filing date, Larry
James had not received an ARD diagnosis. In the same month, on July 22, Larry James
received an ARD diagnosis established by a diagnostic method specified in the law.
A completed CMS-10902 (EHH Checklist) confirmed the diagnosis and that Larry James
met the presence requirement. Larry James' HI entitlement began August 1, 2010.
Example 3:
Steve Brown applied for EHH Medicare on May 12, 2010. As of the filing date, Steve
Brown had not received an ARD diagnosis. On June 1, Steve Brown received an ARD diagnosis
established by a diagnostic method specified in the law. A completed CMS-10902 (EHH
Checklist) confirmed the diagnosis and that Steve Brown met the presence requirement.
Steve Brown's HI entitlement began July 1, 2010.