Program Operations Manual System (POMS)
TN 1 (10-20)
RM 03812.028 Multiple Postings for the Same Employer and Period
If the earnings record information associated with the case does not indicate that
the multiple postings were offset, ensure that scouting has been completed per RM 03809.004 before initiating any development with the FO.
If the case can be considered “complete” per RM 03803.013 or an internal correction for the period in question has been made, prepare a closeout
letter per RM 03803.071.
If the case can be considered “incomplete” per RM 03803.022, initiate an Earnings Disagreement (ED) for FO development and per RM 03803.055 to include the following information:
Explain that the wages on our records do not agree with the NH's allegation because
of multiple postings from the same employer for the same period.
Request a signed statement from the employer for the NH showing the correct wages
for each period in question.
Ask the FO to resolve the reporting problem, if possible. Include totals of each report.