TN 7 (03-90)

GN 00905.110 Claims and Evidence from the Cape Verde Islands (CVI)

A. Background

Validations and special studies in the Cape Verde Islands (CVI) have shown significant irregularities in documentary evidence from that area.

The Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) in Portugal handles Social Security claims and related matters involving residents of the CVI.

Since the CVI were an overseas territory of Portugal prior to July 5, 1975, the CVI followed Portuguese law for determining relationship questions prior to that date.

B. Procedure— general

Examine carefully claims from individuals in the CVI or involving evidence from the CVI.

Be alert for:

  • Discrepancies;

  • Questionable identity—Many individuals in the CVI have the same or similar names. Thus, it is important to ensure that the evidence submitted refers to the claimant; and

  • Altered documents.

Reconcile any discrepancies between the evidence submitted and/or the information in file in the name of the claimant, parents' names, spouse's name, place of birth, date of birth, etc.

If the claimant cannot provide a logical explanation of the discrepancy(ies), obtain an explanation from the appropriate Island official through the FBU.

See GN 00307.400 - GN 00307.401 for detailed information on CVI proofs and relationship problems.

C. Procedure— request for FBU assistance

Send an SSA-562 to the International Benefits Office (IBO) requesting assistance from the Regional Federal Benefits Officer (RFBO). Include a full explanation of the issue/problem involved and what assistance is needed.

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GN 00905.110 - Claims and Evidence from the Cape Verde Islands (CVI) - 05/02/2018
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