PUPS screens and compares incoming inmate records against the SSR and MBR data to
locate current entitlement/eligibility. PUPS creates a "skeleton record" when there
is no active entitlement/eligibility for the SSN on the MBR or SSR. The PUPS skeleton
record has no "STATUS" code on the PUST screen. PUPS creates only one skeleton record
for an SSN, even though SSA may receive numerous reports of this same inmate information
from a reporter. (After PUPS creates one skeleton record for the SSN for the latest
period of confinement, no further skeleton records for other periods of confinement
are annotated to the PUPS database.) The skeleton record remains inactive. If a beneficiary/recipient
files for title II or title XVI benefits after PUPS creates the skeleton record, an
alert appears on the MBR/SSR. This alert notifies the SSA technician to investigate
the PUPS skeleton record before paying the claim. (The alert appears on the MBR/SSR
whether or not the beneficiary files for social security benefits.)The alert should
also serve as a reminder that the SSA technician should inquire about any other periods
of confinement that may have occurred before the initial date of entitlement/eligibility.
You can query and update skeleton records. Since there is no pending action for a
skeleton record, the only possible entry in the SELECT TYPE OF ACTION field is "6"
for CHANGE INFORMATION ONLY. By selecting "6" you can update the report with current
data such as FID code, RELEASED DATE, and REMARKS. See MSOM PRISON 003.001-14 for a description of a skeleton record.
NOTE: Review the skeleton record, and develop the period of confinement, if necessary,
before processing an initial claim or an appeal.