A material inconsistency exists in vocational evidence when the inconsistency presents
an issue that makes a difference between the decision to allow or deny or affects
the established onset date determination (EOD).
A discrepancy may not present a material inconsistency. If work information is inconsistent
among multiple forms but the vocational information provided is sufficient for a determination
at steps 4 and 5 of sequential evaluation or the expedited vocational assessment in
DI 25005.005 applies, no additional vocational development is required. When an inconsistency
exists, document the case file by describing the inconsistency and how it was resolved.
EXAMPLE: On the SSA-3368-BK and SSA-3369-BK, a claimant provides different start and end dates
for the same job.
If both end dates are before the EOD, and both time periods meet relevancy requirements, this discrepancy is not material, and no additional development is required.
If one of the ending dates provided by the claimant conflicts with the EOD, or
If one of the time periods provided does not meet relevancy requirements, the discrepancy is material and additional development is required to resolve the inconsistency.