TN 27 (08-92)

DI 39527.040 DDS Office Space Planning

A. Introduction

Space planning should always attempt to achieve:

  • efficient service to the public,

  • economic performance of the DDS mission, and

  • safe and healthful working conditions for DDS employees.

B. Procedure

Consider the following items in determining DDS space needs:

  • adequate safety and security,

  • standard fire protection equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers, exit doors),

  • provisions for the physically handicapped employees (e.g., wide doorways, low water fountains),

  • physical location,

  • building, employee and system security (e.g., employee safety, confidentiality of records and equipment),

  • available parking facilities when adequate public transportation is unavailable, and

  • electronic data processing equipment needs (e.g., ventilation, humidity, temperature, stable electrical power source, and interconnecting cable requirements).

C. Reference

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections 503 and 504

Privacy and Security, DI 39567.000

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DI 39527.040 - DDS Office Space Planning - 08/22/2012
Batch run: 02/26/2025