A Medicare record may be established if an RRB claimant is age 64 and 8 months old
or in the 20th month of disability benefit entitlement.
Secure MBR and ESQ (entitlement systems query, i.e., health insurance record) printouts
on the claimant’s own SSN or any other SSN’s involved, such as those indicated in
the answer to item 9(c) of the CMS-43. If the claimant supplies a Railroad Retirement Number secure an ESQ on the RRN.
Review the printouts to determine whether:
Hospital Insurance Option Code (HOC) and/or Supplementary Medical Insurance Option
Code (SOC) for the claimant is “P” on the MBR and LAF code indicates an allowance;
The ESQ on the RRN shows Medicare entitlement for the claimant; or
The XCN field of the ESQ on the claimant’s SSN shows a cross reference to a Railroad
Number (six or nine digit number preceded by one, two, or three alpha characters,
e.g., WA xxxxxx; A xxxxxxxxx).