GN 02250.000 Waiver Provisions for Title II and Title XVIII Overpayments

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 02250.001 Waiver - Title II, XVIII TN 10 07-90
GN 02250.002 Request for Waiver - Title II TN 58 05-24
GN 02250.005 Fault/Without Fault Findings - Waiver TN 45 08-23
GN 02250.010 Undocumented Allegations - Waiver - Title II, XVIII TN 10 07-90
GN 02250.015 Fault/Without Fault in Special Circumstances TN 10 07-90
GN 02250.020 Incorrect Benefit Rates — Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 50 10-23
GN 02250.022 Lack of Insured Status — Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 50 10-23
GN 02250.024 Duplicate Payments - Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 50 10-23
GN 02250.026 Subsequent Overpayments - Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 50 10-23
GN 02250.030 Benefits Not Terminated When Child Attains Age 16, 18 or 19 - Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 14 02-98
GN 02250.032 Family Relationship - Waiver Title II, XVIII TN 53 01-24
GN 02250.036 Payment Continuation - Waiver Title II, XVIII TN 52 12-23
GN 02250.038 Return to or Increase in Work - Disability Case — Waiver TN 52 12-23
GN 02250.040 Overpayment Caused by Receipt of Workers' Compensation/Public Disability Benefits — Waiver TN 52 12-23
GN 02250.042 Incorrect Disposition of Properly Reported Event — Waiver TN 52 12-23
GN 02250.044 Overpayment Resulting from Continued Payments to Incarcerated Felons — Waiver TN 52 12-23
GN 02250.060 Misunderstanding About Allowable Wage Earnings — Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.061 Misinformation From an Official Source — Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.062 Short Taxable Year Ending in Death — Waiver TN 11 08-91
GN 02250.064 Individual Not Aware That Earnings Before First Month of Entitlement Would Cause Deductions — Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.065 Earnings Greater Than Anticipated — Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.066 Continued Issuance of Checks After Suspension/Termination Event Reported — Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.067 Lack of Knowledge That Special Types of Payments (Bonus, Vacation Pay, Traveling Expenses, etc.) Are Included for Deduction Purposes —Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.069 Confusion About Charging Provision of Annual Earnings Test —Waiver TN 55 05-24
GN 02250.070 Overpaid Person Unaware That Actions of Another Affect Amount of or Entitlement to Benefits — Waiver TN 10 07-90
GN 02250.071 Person Not Aware That Earnings After Termination of Entitlement Would Cause Deductions for Prior Months — Waiver TN 11 08-91
GN 02250.072 Overpayment Caused by Failure To Understand Deduction or Entitlement Provisions or by Unusual or Unavoidable Circumstances —Waiver TN 11 08-91
GN 02250.100 Defeats the Purpose of Title II - Waiver Determination

TN 54 04-24
GN 02250.105 Defeat the Purpose When the Person Has Possession of All or Part of the Overpayment TN 11 08-91
GN 02250.110 Public Assistance — Waiver TN 14 02-98
GN 02250.150 Against Equity and Good Conscience TN 20 09-15
GN 02250.200 Developing a Request for Waiver TN 14 02-98
GN 02250.230 Completion of the SSA-632-BK (Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery) TN 43 04-23
GN 02250.244 Waiver Development Check List TN 28 04-19
GN 02250.255 Documents to Support a Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery TN 44 05-23
GN 02250.290 Development of Waiver of Recovery of Title XVIII Overpayments TN 14 02-98
GN 02250.300 Delegations of Authority for Waiver Determinations TN 14 02-98
GN 02250.301 T2 Waiver Decision-maker TN 58 05-24
GN 02250.303 Subsequent Waiver Request Denial (Res Judicata) Title II TN 58 05-24
GN 02250.305 When a Waiver Determination Will Not Be Made TN 31 05-19
GN 02250.310 Amount to Consider for a Title II Waiver Request TN 19 02-15
GN 02250.325 Waiver of Recovery After Administrative Change of Position TN 13 08-96
GN 02250.330 Waiver for Overpayments due to Dollar Down Rounding TN 58 05-24
GN 02250.340 Waiver Determination for Automatic or Blanket Waiver TN 46 09-23
GN 02250.350 Administrative Waiver Tolerance of $2,000 or less TN 56 05-24
GN 02250.360 Effect of Waiver TN 15 08-99
GN 02250.370 Waiver Notices TN 27 09-18
GN 02250.380 Appeal of Waiver Determination TN 13 08-96
GN 02250.385 Reopening of Waiver Determination TN 13 08-96
GN 02250.400 SSA-632-BK, Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery - Exhibit TN 18 11-09
GN 02250.405 SSA-632-SUP, Recovery Interview Supplement - Exhibit TN 10 07-90
GN 02250.410 Form SSA-635 (Waiver Determination) - Exhibit TN 21 06-16
GN 02250.415 Sample SSA-635 for Waiver Approval - Exhibit TN 21 06-16
GN 02250.420 Sample SSA-635 for Waiver Denial - Exhibit TN 21 06-16
GN 02250.425 Sample SSA-635 for Waiver Determination - Combined Waiver Approval and Denial - Exhibit TN 21 06-16

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