TN 1 (10-99)

RM 01350.001 Correspondence Inquiry Does Not Relate to Request for Statement of Earnings (DOC)

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction

Requests processed under the following instructions include those requests received for information other than a statement of earnings, insured status, quarters of coverage or benefit estimate statement.

B. Procedure

1. Requests Received on Other Than a Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1

  1. a. 

    If all processing requirements are met and the number holder is requesting a printout of their earnings, sort for data entry.

  2. b. 

    If all processing requirements are not met, prepare Form SSA-L220 (Social Security Request for Earnings Information). Check the appropriate box and forward the Form SSA-L220 and Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1 (Request for Earnings Statement), postage paid, to the requester.

2. Requests Received on Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1

If Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1 request is received with correspondence or if remarks are written on the form and we are unable to answer the question(s):

  1. a. 

    Annotate “Processed Original” on the front of the original request.

  2. b. 

    Photocopy the original, staple the copy of Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1 to the correspondence and forward to the local District Office.

  3. c. 

    Sort the original request for data entry.

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RM 01350.001 - Correspondence Inquiry Does Not Relate to Request for Statement of Earnings (DOC) - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 05/01/2013