TN 3 (03-01)

RM 01361.001 Controlling, Keying and Transmitting Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction

Forms SSA-7004-SM-OP1/OP2, Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement, Facsimile of Form SSA-7004, Form SSA-7014, Social Security Summary Statement of Earnings and/or correspondence are received in the Management Services Section (MSS) mailroom daily. The envelopes are opened and weighed in lids at 4.4 lbs. for an estimated count of 200 items per batch.

B. Process

One-step Process. Extract and review each request and/or correspondence from the envelope. As you review each form, sort into the following categories:

  • Requests meeting all processing requirements

  • Requests that need direct contact

  • Letters and/or correspondence that must be reviewed

  • Requests requiring further action via the TAPS.

C. Procedure

Use the following procedure to control Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statements:

  • Assign a 5-digit range number to each batch. The range number will begin at 00001 and end with 89999. Once all range numbers have been exhausted, revert back to 00001.

  • Issue the batches to the Records Processing Units.

  • Ensure all batches have been completed.

To Link to this section - Use this URL:
RM 01361.001 - Controlling, Keying and Transmitting Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 03/29/2017