TN 96 (05-24)

RM 10205.140 Race and Ethnicity Information on the Application for an SSN Card

A. General

We do not require race and ethnicity information to issue an SSN card and the applicant does not have to provide this information. However, it is mandatory to read the script in RM 10205.140C and proceed with asking the race and ethnicity questions. If the applicant elects to answer the questions, you must record the appropriate response in SSNAP. When completing the application in SSNAP, be mindful to record responses selected on the SS-5 or provided during the interview.

If the applicant is not the number holder, they should only complete the race and ethnic description if sure of the answer.

B. Collection and use of information

The Office of Management and Budget regulates the collection and use of the race and ethnic descriptions and developed uniform standards for collection of data, with common categories for all Federal agencies’ use.

We keep the information private and use it for authorized Federal agency reporting purposes only.

Authorized reporting purposes include:

  • Statistical reporting;

  • Program administrative and grant reporting; and

  • Civil rights and compliance reporting.

C. Race and Ethnicity screen in SSNAP

Before asking the applicant for their race and ethnicity, read the following script from the Race and Ethnicity screen:

“The next two questions are about race and ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and will not affect your application.”

“We are requesting this information for research and statistical purposes, to ensure we treat our customers fairly and equally. We hope you will share this information with us.”


“Las siguientes dos preguntas son sobre raza y etnia. Proporcionar esta información es voluntario y no afectará su solicitud.”

“Solicitamos esta información con fines de investigación y estadísticos, para asegurarnos de que tratamos a nuestros clientes de manera justa y equitativa. Esperamos que comparta esta información con nosotros.”

D. References

  • MSOM INTRANETRECS 001.001, Race and Ethnicity Collection System (RECS) – Overview

  • MSOM INTRANETRECS 001.002, Race and Ethnicity

  • MSOM INTRANETRECS 001.003, Information about Voluntary race and Ethnicity Questions (Help Screen)

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RM 10205.140 - Race and Ethnicity Information on the Application for an SSN Card - 05/29/2024
Batch run: 05/29/2024