SSA must independently verify any birth record that a U.S.-born individual submits
as evidence of age for an original SSN card unless the request for an SSN is submitted
through the EAB process.
Follow GN 00308.000 and/or local procedures to verify primary evidence of age with the appropriate BVS.
See GN 00302.980 for verification procedures using the Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE)
If the individual is age one or older, and primary evidence of age is unavailable
(i.e., the applicant has been unable to obtain a BC because the BVS did not record
the birth), contact the BVS in the State where the person was born and ask if a record
of the person’s birth exists.
For instructions on evaluation of alternative evidence of age (e.g., delayed BCs,
a physician’s record, school records), see specific references in GN 00302.000.
See RM 10205.300 for instructions on when to code evidence of age as suspect pending
See RM 10210.275 for additional instructions if the application is for an individual under age one.
See RM 10210.280 for additional instructions if the application is for an individual under age one
with no birth certificate who needs an SSN for emergency benefits or services,
See RM 10210.285 for additional instructions if the application is for an individual who is age one
or older.