TN 56 (06-24)

RM 10210.275 SSN Application for U.S. Born Person under Age One

Take the following steps to establish age for an SSN applicant under age one:

A. Determine whether the applicant has an SSN

Follow instructions in RM 10205.510A, Interview to determine if a parent (or other proper applicant) filed an SSN application via EAB, to determine if an application was previously filed for the child and search for the SSN. Also search the SSNAP pending file using all names provided to determine if an application is pending in SSNAP.

1. Child has an SSN

If the child has an SSN, determine if additional action is needed.

  • For a name change, see RM 10212.010

  • For a DOB change, see RM 10210.295.

  • For information about other Numident data changes, see RM 10212.200.

  • If the request is for a new SSN for an adopted child, see RM 10225.055 and RM 10225.060.

  • If an SSN is found and non-receipt of the card is alleged, see RM 10215.060.

  • If the applicant wishes to file for a replacement card, but no Numident changes are needed, evidence of age is not required. However, see RM 10205.400 for information on yearly and lifetime card limits which went into effect beginning 12/17/05.

2. Child does not have an SSN

If there is no indication that the child already has an SSN, ask for primary evidence of age.

B. Primary evidence not available

If the applicant presents alternative evidence of age and has nothing of higher probative value, do not insist that the applicant submit primary evidence (primary evidence is not required). Go to RM 10210.275G.

IMPORTANT: If the applicant does not have a BC for a U.S.-born individual under age one, and the child needs an SSN to receive emergency benefits or services, go to RM 10210.280. If the U.S.-born individual under age one does not need an SSN for emergency benefits or services and has no BC, Go to RM 10210.275G.

C. Primary evidence is submitted

  1. 1. 

    If primary evidence is submitted, perform a visual inspection of the evidence per instructions in RM 10210.210.

  2. 2. 

    If you have any reason to believe the document does not belong to the applicant, initiate a search for a death record in the applicant’s name in the same jurisdiction as the birth record.

  3. 3. 

    If the document does not appear to belong to the applicant, or if the document can immediately be determined to be fraudulent per RM 10205.305, follow the procedure in RM 10205.325, Processing an SSN Application when Documents are Immediately Determined to be Fraudulent.

  4. 4. 

    Explain to the applicant that:

    • Under the law, SSA must verify birth records, including BCs, with the custodian of the record before processing the SSN application.

    • Unless you are able to verify the evidence immediately (e.g., via Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE)), there may be a delay in the receipt of the SSN card because of this verification requirement. For instructions about EVVE, see GN 00302.980.

  5. 5. 

    Give the applicant a printout of the appropriate public information materials explaining the IRTPA requirements.

  6. 6. 

    If the document passes your review, request verification of the BC by the BVS.

D. Request verification of the BC by the BVS

If you are not able to verify the evidence immediately (e.g., via EVVE), do the following:

  • Verify primary evidence of age with the appropriate BVS per GN 00308.000 and/or local procedures. Follow existing practices for this expense; there is no special Common Accounting Number (CAN).

  • See RM 10205.300 for instructions on when to code evidence of age as suspect pending verification.

  • See RM 10205.310 for processing instructions when suspect documents are involved.

  • Provide the applicant with the Acknowledgement letter per RM 10205.215. The Acknowledgement letter can be printed from SSNAP.

E. BVS reports that the BC is acceptable

If the BVS verifies the applicant’s BC, there is no reason to question the continued existence of the child, and all other required evidence is submitted, process the SSN application per RM 10205.315.

F. BVS determines that the BC is fraudulent

If the BVS does not verify the applicant’s BC, do not process the SSN application. Follow instructions in RM 10205.320.

G. Alternative evidence is submitted

  1. 1. 

    When alternative evidence of age is submitted, perform a visual inspection of the evidence per instructions in RM 10210.210.

  2. 2. 

    If the document does not appear to belong to the applicant, or if the document can immediately be determined to be fraudulent per RM 10205.305, follow the procedure in RM 10205.325, Processing an SSN Application when Documents are Immediately Determined to be Fraudulent.

  3. 3. 

    Explain to the applicant that:

    • Under the law, SSA must verify birth records with the custodian of the record before processing the SSN application, and

    • There may be a delay in the receipt of the SSN card because of this verification requirement.

  4. 4. 

    Give the applicant a printout of the appropriate public information materials explaining the IRTPA requirements.

  5. 5. 

    If the document passes your review, request verification of the document.

H. Request verification of alternative evidence

1. Custodian or issuing entity of the birth record is a hospital or health care provider

If the custodian or issuing entity of the birth record is a hospital or health care provider, take the following actions:

  • Have the applicant sign the disclosure authorization in Part 1 of the Form SSA-L706, “Letter to Custodian of Birth Records.” This release is required under the HIPAA rules and permits the hospital/health care provider to release records about the applicant’s birth to SSA. The SSA-L706 is available in SSNAP. Complete applicable entries on the form per GN 00302.070.

  • Provide a copy of the document submitted as a birth record for the U.S.-born individual under age one and the SSA-L706 signed by the proper applicant to the custodian/issuing entity (i.e., the hospital/health care provider).

  • See RM 10205.300 for instructions on when to code evidence of age as suspect pending verification.

  • Provide the applicant with the Acknowledgement letter per RM 10205.215. The Acknowledgement letter can be printed from SSNAP.

2. Custodian or issuing entity of the birth record is not a hospital or health care provider

  • See specific references in GN 00302.000 or RM 10210.265 for instructions on how to evaluate particular types of evidence (e.g., delayed BCs, a physician's records, and school records).

  • See RM 10205.300 for instructions on when to code evidence of age as suspect pending verification.

  • Provide the applicant with the Acknowledgement letter per RM 10205.215. The Acknowledgement letter can be printed from SSNAP.

I. Verifying agency reports that the evidence is acceptable

If the verifying agency reports that the evidence is acceptable, and all other required evidence is submitted, process the SSN application per RM 10205.315.

J. Verifying agency reports that the evidence is fraudulent

If the verifying agency reports that the evidence is fraudulent, do not process the SSN application. Follow instructions in RM 10205.320.

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