The evidence criteria outlined in RM 10212.000 for changing Numident information applies
to the deceased person. The field office (FO) should obtain:
proper identification for the NH from the requestor to make the necessary change(s);
evidence of the requestor’s identity in order to establish the relationship to the
deceased numberholder (NH).
IMPORTANT: Remember to develop leads for survivor (spouse and children) claims per GN 00202.020.
NOTE: If the fact of death is not on the Numident, obtain the death certificate.
Process the application to update the NH’s Numident record.
Select “yes” to “Suppress card issuance?” on the SSNAP Additional info screen. For
additional information, see the SSNAP User Guide .
If the death information was not on the Numident:
Correct the NH name, date of birth, or citizenship/alien status.
See SSNAP User Guide for input instructions.
Select “yes” to “Suppress card issuance?” on the SSNAP Additional info screen. For
additional information, see the SSNAP User Guide.
For information on input of a DOD to the NUMIDENT via DIPS, see the DIPS User
Add it by making an input to the Death Information Processing System (DIPS).