TN 4 (10-23)

RM 10250.010 Self Check Versus E-Verify and EV-STAR

A. Self Check is part of E-Verify

Self Check is a subsystem of E-Verify; the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) owns and administers both Self Check and E-Verify. Although these two programs are similar, each program requires different actions from the field offices (FO) and Social Security Card Centers (SSCC). For example, E-Verify is time sensitive and requires FOs and SSCCs to access EV-STAR to record case resolution. Self Check does not have a time limit for resolution and FOs and SSCCs do not access EV-STAR for these cases.

B. Differences between E-Verify and Self Check

The paragraphs below describe E-Verify and Self Check and their similarities and differences.

1. E-Verify description

E-Verify is an Internet-based system for employers to use to check the work authorization status of employees. Participating E-Verify employers enter information into E-Verify from an employee’s DHS Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification). E-Verify compares that information to federal databases to determine if that employee is allowed to work in the United States. If the data matches, E-Verify sends a message to the employer confirming employment eligibility. If the data does not match, E-Verify sends a message to the employer that the employee is tentatively not confirmed. To resolve the Tentative Nonconfirmation or TNC, the employee must visit a Social Security Administration (SSA) FO or SSCC within eight days to correct or update their records. If the employee does not visit a SSA office timely, the employer receives a Final Nonconfirmation (FNC), and under the E-Verify program rules, the employer can terminate the employee’s employment. For more information on E-Verify, TNCs, and FNCs, see RM 10245.015, Overview of the E-Verify Process.

2. Self Check description

Self Check provides U.S. citizens and non-citizens a way to confirm their own eligibility to work in the U.S. and allows the user to resolve any data mismatches prior to being hired or while seeking employment. A Self Check user enters the same information into Self Check that employers enter into E-Verify. The Self Check system compares the entered information against the same databases used by E-Verify. Self Check transmits the results to the user, not to an employer.

3. Chart listing similarities and differences between E-Verify and Self Check

The primary difference between E-Verify and Self Check is that there are no potential negative consequences with Self Check. When a user submits a Self Check query and receives information that there is a mismatch with SSA records, they decide whether to visit an SSA office to resolve the mismatch. There is no time limit to resolve a Self Check mismatch.

The following chart highlights the differences and similarities between E-Verify and Self Check.

Similarities and Differences between E-Verify and Self Check



Self Check

Uses DHS Form I-9 information



Checks federal databases



Imposes time limits to resolve mismatch



FO or SSCC must access EV-STAR



Employer submits the request



Results sent to employer



Individual submits the request



Results sent to individual



C. Field office (FO) and Social Security Card Center (SSCC) do not access EV-STAR for Self Check

FOs and SSCCs do not access EV-STAR for Self Check cases because:

  • Self Check does not contain an eight-day deadline.

  • There are no negative consequences to the Self Check user if they do not resolve a Self Check mismatch.

  • Self Check cases are not accessible in EV-STAR.

FOs and SSCCs resolve a Self Check mismatch by following existing procedures for assisting visitors who want to update their SSN information.

D. Reference

  • RM 10212.015 Evidence Requirements to Process a Name Change on the SSN

  • RM 10212.200 Changing Numident Data for Reasons other than Name Change


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