TN 91 (12-24)

GN 00308.080 South Dakota Vital Records

A. Process

All records are available at the State level.

B. Procedure - State Sources

1. Address and FO Code

SD Dept. of Health

Office of Vital Records

221 W. Capitol Ave

Pierre, SD 57501-2536

FO Code 718

NOTE: You can find the most up-to-date information from the South Dakota Department of Health site. In addition, you can find EIN information here .

2. Cost of Copy:

Birth/Death $15.00; Marriage/Divorce $15.00.

3. Type of Payment:

Check, money order or credit card (online or telephone request).

4. Remarks:

Call (605) 773-4961 for a telephone request or request the record online.

All requests should be sent directly to the Office of Vital Records. Processing time may take 2-3 business days plus mailing time.

Records were first kept in SD beginning 1905.

Veterans can obtain a certified copy from the State at no charge if needed for an SSA claim. Contact the Vital Records Office for the waiver of fee form.

Can FO verify, certify or obtain free copy of birth/death record? No

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GN 00308.080 - South Dakota Vital Records - 12/06/2024
Batch run: 12/06/2024