TN 32 (08-23)

GN 00504.180 Reappointment of Representative Payee after Correctly Terminating Benefits

A. Reappointment of representative payee after correctly terminating benefits

When we re-entitle a beneficiary to benefits, after correctly terminating benefits, the most recent representative payee of record may reapply as payee. The following procedures apply for correctly terminated benefits, (e.g., a disability cessation termination.) Apply these procedures to title II Ledger Account File (LAF) codes with a first position of "T" and to title XVI Payment Status Codes (PSYs) T31, N07, N08, and N19.

B. Procedure for reappointment of a representative payee

If the representative payee seeks reappointment as a payee after we re-entitle a beneficiary to benefits, consider the following:

1. Re-entitlement within five months

For a re-entitlement within five months:

  • Always consider whether the beneficiary is now capable. However, if there is no sign that the beneficiary's condition improved since termination, do not redevelop capability.

  • Consider paying the beneficiary directly while developing the payee issue.

See Details:

2. Re-entitlement six months or more

For a re-entitlement six months or more:

  • Do not assume the beneficiary is still incapable unless they are a minor.

  • If there is an indication that the beneficiary needs a representative payee, follow normal procedures in determining the need for developing and selecting a representative payee. For guidance on how to develop capability, see GN 00502.020 through GN 00502.075. For information on advance notices, refer to GN 00503.100. Consider paying the beneficiary directly while developing the payee issue. If a qualified payee cannot be located timely, refer to GN 00504.105 for guidance.

NOTE: We bar certain individuals and organizations from service as payees. Carefully review information in the Electronic Representative Payee System (eRPS) to determine if we should reappoint the applicant as payee. For information on selecting a qualified representative payee, refer to GN 00502.132.

C. Reference

GN 00604.060 Restitution of Misused Benefits

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GN 00504.180 - Reappointment of Representative Payee after Correctly Terminating Benefits - 04/15/2016
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