TN 15 (12-98)

GN 00605.205 Systems Selection and DI Diary Set

A. Introduction

This section describes how cases with dedicated accounts will be systematically selected and controlled for representative payee annual accounting and dedicated account monitoring.

B. Process

1. Systems selection criteria

Listed below is a summary of the selection criteria used to identify representative payees with dedicated accounts:

  • The case is not terminated or in payment status S06, or S08; and

  • The dedicated account balance field in the DACT segment of the SSR is greater than zero, or

  • (PMTH) Pay flag 5 equals X, 1, 2, or F and the payment was made during the 12-month report period, or

NOTE: Pay flag 5 equals X (implemented 11/97) represents past-due benefits which met dedicated account criteria and FO deposited into a dedicated account. Indicators 1, 2, and F (implemented 9/98) represent large past-due benefits which met Dedicated Account-Installments criteria and FO deposited into a dedicated account.

  • (PMTH) A one-time payment exceeding 6 times the current Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) plus any federally administered State Supp was released during the 12-month report period and at the time this payment was made the beneficiary was under age 18.

2. DI diary set

For records which meet the selection criteria described in GN 00605.205B.1. the system will set annually, a DI diary in the DIAR segment of the SSR in October of the current FY with the date the diary will mature (e.g., DI: 03/ 01/99) for annual accounting and dedicated account monitoring. The DI diary will be associated with scheduled redeterminations or selected as a limited issue if the beneficiary is not eligible for a redetermination. Although the diary is set in October, it will not be selected as a limited issue until the month before the month the diary matures.

NOTE: Systems will not set an AR diary to indicate annual accounting for cases with dedicated accounts.

C. Reference

  • How to Interpret Pay Flag 5, SM 01601.835

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