TN 8 (05-21)

GN 01705.214 Evidence of Italian Military Service

A. Deemed periods of coverage for military service

As explained in GN 01705.212.A, Italy grants deemed periods of coverage for Italian military service. All claims for Italian benefits require proof of military service that is creditable under the Italian system.

B. Military service record

  • Advise applicants that Italy requires a Foglio matricolare ecaratteristico (military service record) to document and verify military service.

  • If a Foglio matricolare ecaratteristico is not available, have the applicant sign a separate statement (not in the “Remarks” section of the application) authorizing the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) to obtain a complete record of military service from the Italian military authorities.

NOTE: A Foglio di congedo illimitato (discharge certificate) is not sufficient because it does not provide a complete military service record.

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GN 01705.214 - Evidence of Italian Military Service - 04/19/1997
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