TN 2 (07-86)

GN 01706.030 Determining DIB insured status and currently insured status

DIB insured status or currently insured status is usually established using the method of crediting described in GN 01706.020 B. However, if DIB or currently insured status is not met, an alternate method of crediting Italian QC's must be considered.

The following method works to the advantage of a claimant who needs a certain number of QC's within a specified period; e.g., 20 QC's within a 40-quarter period or 6 QC's within a 13-quarter period. Italian periods of coverage are credited to the U.S. earnings record using the following criteria:

  1. A. 

    The number of weeks of coverage reported for each “From-To” period is divided by 13 (the number of weeks in a calendar quarter) to determine the number of QC's which may be credited in that period based on Italian coverage. Any remainder is considered one QC.

  2. B. 

    The Italian QC's derived in this manner are credited starting with the quarter in which the period ends and continuing backwards consecutively until all QC's are credited. However, no QC is credited before the quarter in which the Italian period begins, and no Italian QC is credited in any calendar quarter where a QC is already credited based on U.S. coverage.

  3. C. 

    When a U.S. QC is credited within a “From-To” period, Italian QC's are credited back to that quarter and begin again in the next available quarter. U.S. QC's between the beginning and ending dates of a period of Italian coverage may preclude the crediting of any or all Italian QC's during the period.

  4. D. 

    Where, after 1977, there are both U.S. and Italian QC's to be credited in the same year, the U.S. QC's are assigned using the flexible crediting provision of the 1977 amendments so as to permit the crediting of the maximum number of Italian QC's.

    NOTE: Italian QC's are to be indicated on the U.S. earnings record by the symbol “F” (foreign).

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GN 01706.030 - Determining DIB insured status and currently insured status - 01/19/1999
Batch run: 10/17/2016