TN 57 (05-24)

GN 02215.010 Transfer of Overpayment Jurisdiction to DIO

A. Operating Policy – Title II (RSDHI) benefits

Jurisdiction for the initial overpayment notice may or may not be the Division of International Operations (DIO) when a debtor is outside the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Marianas.

DIO always has jurisdiction when full refund is not received in response to the initial overpayment notice and followup refund efforts are necessary.

DIO generally has jurisdiction when adjustment is available against benefits due someone outside the U.S.

B. Operating procedure

1. Debtor alive

  1. a. 

    If follow-up refund efforts are necessary and a payment center (PC) other than DIO had jurisdiction for the initial overpayment notice, transfer debts of $30 or more to DIO for special handling.

  2. b. 

    DIO will:

    • Obtain full refund or installment payments, or

    • Make compromise decisions (GN 02215.100), or

    • Make a waiver determination if the debtor's address is outside the United States, and

    • Return the folder to the servicing PC after the collection issue is resolved.

2. Debtor deceased

Transfer debts to DIO only if:

  1. a. 

    The debt is $3,000.00 or more, and

  2. b. 

    An estate is known to exist, or

  3. c. 

    State Department assistance is needed to ascertain an estate's existence.

Discontinue collection efforts (GN 02215.235) for debts not referred to DIO under the instructions in GN 02215.010B.1. or GN 02215.010B.2. Be sure, however, that recovery from any contingent liable individual has been explored (GN 02210.015).

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