TN 273 (07-24)

GN 02402.343 Coding Japan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)

A. Background for coding Japan bank data

This section describes how to code bank data for International Direct Deposit (IDD) of Title II benefits to a financial institution (FI) in Japan. Japan bank account data is stored on the MBR in the same fields that are used for U.S. direct deposit. Special coding identifies the data as IDD for Japan and allows benefit payments to be routed through the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (FRBKC) and the contractor bank to the beneficiary's FI.

For detailed instructions on IDD requests and forwarding information, see

  • GN 02402.201 Background and Policy for Direct Deposit Outside the U.S.

  • GN 02402.205 Direct Deposit Enrollment Outside the U.S.

  • GN 01010.255 Adjudication of Foreign Claims

  • GN 01702.310C Routing of Claims for U.S. Benefits Involving Totalization

B. How we receive IDD bank data

The beneficiary must provide complete information to the Office of Earnings and International Operations, Division of International Operations (OEIO DIO) or the Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) for input. DIO will fax incomplete forms to the FBU that serves Japan. The FBU contacts the beneficiary or FI for additional information.

We receive requests to input bank data by mail, phone, or fax in the following formats:

  • Blank check;

  • SSA-1199-JA International Direct Deposit Signup Form for Japan; or

  • Any document that contains required banking information.

The form is also available from OEIO; a U.S. Embassy or Consulate office in Japan; and Tokyo FBU in Tokyo, Japan.

If you receive information with discrepancies, see the following instructions:

  • GN 00203.020 Identity of Claimants

  • GN 02402.025 Direct Deposit Post Entitlement Interview

C. Description of Japan IDD bank data

The IDD coding for Japan consists of 14 or 15 characters, as follows:

  • A 4-digit bank code.

  • A 3-digit branch code.

  • An account number of 7 or 8 digits.


Most bank accounts in Japan are savings accounts.

D. Process

1. Reviewing Japan Bank Data

Completed enrollment forms are routed to the Social Security section at Tokyo FBU in Tokyo, Japan for review and input. They review the forms for completion and return them for completion or correction if necessary.

Any question about the validity of any Japan IDD data is routed to DIO or FBU.

If routing information for the selected bank is not yet on the list at FRBKC, the beneficiary must obtain the full name and address of the bank, and its SWIFT code. If a bank or branch uses another bank to route its direct deposits, that information must be given also.

2. Coding Japan bank data to the MBR

The data is examined at the Tokyo FBU to see if the bank data is already on the list of Japan banks that FRBKC can reach with payments. If not, the Tokyo FBU asks FRBKC if this data can be added to FRBKC's internal list.

The staff at Tokyo FBU inputs the approved data into FRBKC then sends the data to SSA through Automated Enrollment for input to the MBR.

When DIO receives an enrollment for Japan, the input can be done through either the applicable SSA software or If it is within 4 days of the cutoff for direct deposit, DIO must code directly to the MBR.

E. Procedure for coding Japan bank data

The preferred place to code the information is Use the following procedure to code IDD of Title II benefits to FI accounts in Japan when the direct deposit cutoff is within 4 days, or when you are unable to code in




Are you coding an initial claim?

  • If yes, go to step 3.

  • If no, go to step 2.


Is the beneficiary's address on the MBR in a foreign country (PCOC = 8)? If not, STOP.

REASON: The MBR will not accept IDD information if the beneficiary has a U.S. address. You must change the U.S. address to the beneficiary's address outside the country, and input the direct deposit the following day.


Code the Type of Account (on the SSA screen) as Checking or Savings. If you do not know the type for an FI account, code it as Savings. Most bank accounts for individuals in Japan are savings accounts.

IMPORTANT: Do not code a "C" for checking or an "S" for savings as part of the Depositor Account Number (DAN) on the input screen because it will cause the payment to reject at FRBKC. It is interpreted as an incorrect multi-country code.


To begin coding the Routing and Transit Number (RTN) field (9 digits total), start with "66", the multi-country prefix SSA and FRBKC have designated for Japan IDD.


Code the first 6 digits of the bank account data, as follows:

  • The 4-digit bank code, and

  • The first 2 digits of the branch code.

IMPORTANT: IDD is not yet available for postal accounts in Japan.


Code the U.S. check digit. Obtain the check digit from Title II Interactive Comps.


For the first character of the DAN field, code a "Y" for a Yen account.


SSA does not have IDD for U.S. dollar accounts in Japan.


Code the final digit of the branch code, and all 7 or 8 digits of the account number.

F. Examples of coding Japan direct deposit

1. Example 1

Three days before the cutoff, DIO receives a completed enrollment form for Japan for a Yen savings account. The bank code is "1234", the branch code is "123", and the account number is "90876543."

a. The RTN coding

  • The technician selects “Savings” and starts the RTN with: 66.

  • They add the 4-digit bank code: 1234.

  • They add the first 2 digits of the branch code: 12.

  • Then they add the U.S. Check Digit: 1 (derived from Title II Interactive Comps).

  • The RTN will be: 661234121.

b. The DAN coding

  • The technician inputs "Y" for Yen.

  • They add the remaining digit of the branch code: 3.

  • They add the account number: 90876543.

  • The DAN will be: Y390876543.

2. Example 2

On the cutoff day for input to the MBR, the SSA staff in Tokyo receives a request for IDD to a Japan bank savings account in Yen. The beneficiary writes that their bank code is "1234", their branch code is "512", and the account number is "98765432."

a. The RTN coding

  • The technician selects “Savings” and starts the RTN with: 66.

  • They add the next 6 digits: the bank code: 1234 and the first 2 digits of the branch code: 51.

  • Then they add the U.S. Check Digit: 6 (derived from Title II Interactive Comps).

  • The RTN will be: 661234516.

b. The DAN coding

  • The technician inputs "Y" for Yen.

  • They add the remaining digit of the branch code: 2.

  • They add the account number: 98765432.

  • The DAN will be: Y298765432.

3. Example 3

Ten days before cutoff, the SSA staff in Tokyo receives a completed form for IDD to a Yen account at an FI in Japan. The technician enters all the information in Three days later the MBR displays the IDD information with “AUTO ENROLL.”

4. Example 4

Three days before cutoff, OEIO receives a request for IDD to a Yen account at an FI in Japan. The technician first completes the enrollment in After clicking to calculate the RTN and DAN, they copy the information to paper and then to the MBR.

G. References

  • GN 00203.020 Identity of Claimants

  • GN 01010.255 Adjudication of Foreign Claims

  • GN 01702.310C Routing of Claims for U.S. Benefits Involving Totalization

  • GN 02402.025 Direct Deposit Post Entitlement Interview

  • GN 02402.201 Background and Policy for Direct Deposit Outside the U.S.

  • GN 02402.205 Direct Deposit Enrollment Outside the U.S.

  • International Treasury Services (U.S. Treasury system)

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GN 02402.343 - Coding Japan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) - 07/01/2024
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