TN 2 (01-17)

GN 03314.115 Disclosure Without Consent to State Social Security Administrators

A. Disclosure policy

Section 218 of the Social Security Act provides that a State may ask the Commissioner of Social Security to enter into an agreement to extend Federal old-age, survivors, disability, and health insurance coverage to groups of State employees and its political subdivisions. We may disclose certain tax return information and non-tax return information, including verification of Social Security Numbers (SSN), to State Social Security Administrators to correct or reconstruct State records of employee earnings, or to administer State and local agreements under section 218 of the Social Security Act. Disclosure is permissible under the health maintenance and income maintenance routine use cited in a number of our systems of records, including, but not limited to the following:

  • 60-0058—Master Files of SSN Holders and SSN Applications System;

  • 60-0059—Earnings Recording and Self-Employment Income System;

  • 60-0089—Claims Folders System;

  • 60-0090—Master Beneficiary Record;

  • 60-0103—Supplemental Security Income Record and Special Veterans Benefits System; and

  • 60-0320—Electronic Disability Claims File.

We may only disclose tax return information that was originally provided to us by the State Social Security Administrator.

For information concerning the verification of SSNs, see GN 03325.003. For information on the disclosure of tax return information, see GN 03314.002 and GN 03320.015

NOTE: For instructions concerning agreements with States involving State recognition payments under Title VIII, see VB 01300.000.

B. Procedure for handling requests

We disclose certain tax return and non-tax return information to State Social Security Administrators under the terms and conditions of our Section 218 Agreement with the State. The State official responsible for the Section 218 Agreement is the State Social Security Administrator. The State Social Security Administrator is also responsible for providing State employees with information and advice about Social Security and Medicare coverage for State and local government employees. For more information on the agency’s Section 218 Agreements, see SL 10001.140.

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GN 03314.115 - Disclosure Without Consent to State Social Security Administrators - 09/13/2005
Batch run: 01/17/2017