TN 54 (12-24)

GN 03920.015 Delegation of Authority to Authorize Fees - Services Below the Hearing Level

NOTE: For delegations of authority at and above the hearing level, refer to HALLEX I-1-2-6 .

A. Policy - authority to authorize fees

The authority to authorize fees for services below the hearing level has been delegated to the Attorney Fee Branch (AFB) in the Office of Analytics, Review, and Oversight (OARO).

The authority has been further delegated to the processing centers (PCs) and field offices (FOs) as indicated in this section.

1. Initial Fee Determination

a. Fee Petition Process

The PCs have the authority to authorize a fee up to and including $15,000 for Title II and Title XVI fee petition cases.

b. Fee Agreement Process

The FOs and PCs have the authority to authorize fees for Title II fee agreement cases. The FOs have the authority to authorize fees for Title XVI fee agreement cases. Effective February 1, 2002, the PCs and FOs may authorize a fee up to and including the current specified dollar amount established pursuant to section 206(a)(2)(A)(ii)(II) in initial fee determinations in fee agreement cases (refer to GN 03940.003B.3.).

NOTE: For fee agreements initially approved before February 1, 2002, the specified dollar amount established in initial fee determinations was $4,000. Legislation enacted in 1990 established the $4,000 amount and also gave the Commissioner the authority to increase the amount.

2. Administrative Review Determinations

The PCs have the authority to authorize fees, subject to the $15,000 limitation, for administrative review determinations in fee petition cases. The PCs also have the authority to authorize fees for administrative review determinations in fee agreement cases.

The FOs do not have the authority to authorize a fee in connection with a request for administrative review under either the fee petition or fee agreement process.

NOTE: We provide the current specified dollar amount established pursuant to section 206(a)(2)(A)(ii)(II) for fee agreements in GN 03940.003B.3.; however, the PCs may authorize a fee greater than the current specified dollar amount on administrative review. See Administrative Review of Determination Under the Fee Agreement Process, GN 03960.000.

B. Policy – fee petition - PC recommends fee over $15,000 - Attorney Fee Officer review required

If a PC proposes to authorize a fee (or total of fees) of more than $15,000, based on a fee petition(s) or on a request for administrative review of the fee amount authorized based on a fee petition, the Attorney Fee Officer (AFO) must review the recommendation (Form SSA-1178 - Evaluation of Fee Petition for Representation).

C. Process – fee petition - PC recommends fee over $15,000

If a PC recommends authorizing a fee of more than $15,000, the PC must send the fee recommendation, Form SSA-1178, and the claim(s) file to:

Social Security Administration

Office of Appellate Operations

Attn: Attorney Fee Branch

6401 Security Blvd

Baltimore, MD 21235-6401

The AFB sends an interim letter to the claimant and representative when it does not issue a fee authorization within 30 days of receiving the claim file.

1. PC or FO withholding past-due benefits

When SSA is withholding Title II or Title XVI past-due benefits for direct payment of a representative's fee, the PC diaries the case for 45 days pending return of the AFO's fee authorization.

If the PC does not receive the fee authorization within the 45-day diary period, the PC should follow-up with the AFB by phone, at (703) 605-7900, or e-mail, at ^DCARO OAO ATTY FEE BR. (For policy on when SSA can make direct payment to a representative see, GN 03920.017.)

If the PC does not receive the fee authorization within an additional 30 days, the PC should request status by sending a fax to 703-605-7901.

2. PC or FO not withholding past-due benefits

If SSA is not withholding past-due benefits, the PC does not establish a diary when forwarding the claim(s) file and fee recommendation to the AFO.

3. AFO and AFB actions

After reviewing the PC fee recommendation and determining a reasonable fee, the AFO or AFB staff:

  • prepares the SSA-1560A-U5 (Authorization to Charge and Collect a Fee) (for sample form, see GN 03930.160);

  • signs Form SSA-1560A-U5;

  • distributes Form SSA-1560A-U5; and

  • returns the Title II claim file to the PC and the Title XVI claim file to the FO to process the fee authorization.

NOTE: If a party requests administrative review of the fee authorized by the AFO, the Deputy Chair of the Appeals Council is the reviewing official.

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GN 03920.015 - Delegation of Authority to Authorize Fees - Services Below the Hearing Level - 12/06/2024
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