When we issue a determination or decision (hereinafter "decision") favorable to the
claimant, we will approve a fee agreement that meets the statutory requirements of
the Social Security Act and that is not otherwise excepted, even if the claimant's
mental capability (i.e., the claimant's ability to manage their funds) is at issue.
In these situations, we defer authorizing a fee until resolving the capability issue
and, if appropriate, until we select a representative payee for the claimant. This
deferral allows us to keep a substantial number of fee agreements in the fee agreement
process but protects a potentially incapable claimant's right to request administrative
review of a fee by sending notice of the fee amount and of the right to request administrative
review to the claimant's representative payee.
We assign high priority to claims requiring a determination of mental capability and
selection of a representative payee. Generally, these issues will have been decided
when we issue the notice of favorable decision; therefore, this policy will generally
not unduly delay the fee authorization.