TN 10 (03-98)

RS 02650.122 Resumption of Payments to Beneficiaries in Albania


SSA has reviewed its records to identify the cases in which payments were not made, or benefits were suspended, because the beneficiary was in Albania. The files were reviewed to identify those in which:

  • the beneficiary was still in Albania;

  • the file contained a complete address; and

  • entitlement had not been terminated.


Before SSA can resume payments to a beneficiary in Albania, the beneficiary must establish:

  • his/her identity in a personal interview with a representative of the U.S. Embassy in Tirana;

  • that no termination or deduction events have occurred since moving to Albania (or, if later, since the beneficiary became entitled to benefits); and

  • his/her current eligibility to receive benefits.


1. Beneficiary Notification

SSA sent notices to the beneficiaries identified in RS 02650.122A. advising them that Social Security benefits could now be paid to beneficiaries in Albania. They were advised to contact the U.S. Embassy in Tirana for assistance in having their benefits resumed, or where appropriate, in determining if they could now receive benefits.

EXCEPTION: No notices were sent to Albanian-citizen beneficiaries and claimants who did not meet an exception to the alien nonpayment provisions. (SSA will make a decision on whether to contact them when a determination is made on the Albanian social insurance system.)

2. FSP Action

The U.S. Embassy in Tirana takes action as explained in RS 02650.122B. above when contacted by one of the beneficiaries whose benefits could be resumed. It sends the material to OIO.


Obtain the claims folder.

Examine the information furnished by the Embassy carefully to determine whether payments can be resumed to the beneficiary.

Compare the beneficiary's signature with the other signatures and information in the claims file. If there are any doubts about the beneficiary's identity request the Embassy to check further.

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RS 02650.122 - Resumption of Payments to Beneficiaries in Albania - 03/26/1998
Batch run: 03/26/1998