The ending date of the 60-month period is the last day of the 60th calendar month
after the end of the prior DIB entitlement or the end of the prior freeze period.
If a new period of disability is established within the 60–month period mentioned
above, the period ends with the month before the first month throughout all of which
the NH is under a disability.
Where the current disability begins on the first day of a month, the period will end
with the preceding month. If it begins on a day other than the first day of a month,
the period will end with the month in which the current disability began.
EXAMPLE: A claimant’s period of disability terminated 11/30/2015 (12/2015 is the T8 month
on the MBR History line and the DBC entry on the DIB line) as he was no longer disabled.
The 60-month period would be 12/2015 through 11/2020. The claimant filed for a new
period of disability on 2/18/2021. The DDS established the claimant was disabled on
8/14/2020. The claimant does not have to serve a waiting period because his new period
of disability, the date of onset, falls within the 60-month period. The claimant’s
entitlement date would be 09/2020.