The Department of Defense (DoD) identifies wounded military service members and provides
SSA with weekly information on this population through an automated data exchange.
We verify the Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and other data (such as, name, date of
birth, and sex) that DoD provides against the NUMIDENT. The information DoD provided
may not be a comprehensive list of all wounded, ill, and injured military service
members. Therefore, during the initial interview, we must be alert to possible MC/WW
When a record from DoD matches the SSN, we add a Wounded Warrior indicator to the
SSN record. We do not take any action on the information in this database until a
service member contacts us to file a claim; we cannot use this information for leads
1. Claimant’s SSN matches the SSA ICDB
If a service member files a claim, follow these procedures:
When the claimant’s SSN matches the information in the SSA ICDB, an alert may appear
in either one of or all of the following:
Visitor Intake Program (VIP)
Customer Service Record (CSR)
Customer Help and Information Program (CHIP)
During case creation, when the SSN is present in the CLIENT military casualty segment,
the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) automatically attaches an MC/WW flag.
If the SSN match occurs after initial case creation, the MC/WW flag re-propagates
into EDCS during case creation at any adjudicative level.
2. Claimant’s SSN does not match the SSA ICDB
If the claimant’s SSN does not match the information in the SSA ICDB (i.e., no alert
is present in VIP, CSR, or CHIP), but the claimant alleges a disability resulting
from an illness, injury, or wound that occurred while on active duty status on or
after October 1, 2001:
Manually establish an MC/WW flag in EDCS.
(For instructions on manually establishing a flag, see DI 81010.080 Alerts, Flags, and Messages in the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS))
If the case is a paper modular disability folder (MDF), attach a paper MC/WW flag
to the MDF.
See an exhibit of the paper flag in DI 11005.006I.